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Truform in JK2?


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-ReSiStanCe- : Ok, fair enough. At the the end of the day though, U2 isn't released yet so it's impossible to make a fair judgment. But shouldn't fogging lower the GPU strain anyway (ie less polys to display)?


Anyway, both are great cards - I don't deny that the GF3 Ti500 has it's own advantages. Still, the 64MB 8500 is cheaper :p !


BOMBER II: *RichyBoy activates Force Speed and runs away as fast as he can*


*falls off cliff: AAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!*

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Well, seeing how this started out to be about Truform and we havent gotten a real answer. Maybe ChangKhan will be kind enough to drop in and let us know whether Truform is supported or not. Hopefully it is. It would be a nice bonus for us 8500 users.

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an in an older issue of australian PCPP they had a small article about this saying the radeon just outperformed the ti 500 in most tests, but then they decided to compare screenshots of what they were runniong the tests from (like Q# and other games) and the radeon pictures were filthy, the ground was slightly blurred, and there were a few things missing (shadows and stuff).. ok i have a Ti 500 so might be slightly biased, but the article made me glad i had not baught a radeon, specially since JO is running a quake 3 engine, i dont want **** missed out to help speed up the frames, i want the speed and the frames (Ti 500 all the way..) plus i play all my games in (or will go up to) 1600x1200, which the ti500 outperforms the radeon (just a personal note there..) so dude, Ti 500 all the way.. umm you wernt askin which is better were ya.. oh well, to anybody considering between the two.. do you really want Jo to look worse, just to save a bit of cash..:bdroid1:

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Originally posted by RichyBoy

Yes, welcome Menace2001 :) .


It's nice to see another ATI owner here. Perhaps we should all start a Radeon 8500 MP clan to fight against all those nVidia users and teach them the error of their ways :laughing: !


Problem is, big boy GeForce4 Ti 4600 is going to wipe the floor with you :laughing:

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The thing about the image quality being worse in Q3 was ATI's fault. They decided to doctor their original driver set so that when you were running the Q3 executable it would drop image quality in favor for speed. They caught hell for it and have corrected it ever since. The image is just as good and even a bit cleaner than a Ti500 now. Since the fix I compared screenshots on Q3ta demo with screenshots from a ti500 in identical areas. There was no difference.

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