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Join Warrior Nation (WNx)!!!!


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Wasabi peeps! I'm just here to announce that the Nation is accepting applications for Jedi Knight 2 primaries. Warrior Nation has been around since 1997 and has expanded thrughout the years. We currently have over 400 members divided into 8 games (soon to be 9 whenever JK2 is out). All our members have freedom to switch and play all of the games currently supported in the clan. We are a pretty good community to hang around with and help our members in anyway we can. We're more than just a community of players, we've become a community of friends and are always willing to make more along the way. Click here to check our website. Our forums are famous in all the games we've played and we've become elites in our fields.


Our current games include Diablo II LoD, NoX, Halflife, Starcraft, Everquest, Ghost Recon, CnC Renegade and Dungeon Siege. We usually organize events within our clans such as tournaments and from time to time we give very good prizes. Check us out and check our forums. Tell me what you think.


Kypt Akasha

Arch Conjurer of Warrior Nation

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Oh come on peeps! Only 5 people have seen this post...can't u even try and check it out? This offer is for a limited time only since after the game comes out we won't accept "anyone". Right now since everyone is a newbie (regardless of what you think) we are planning on accepting anyone that wants in because of the fact that we can all learn together, later we'll be a lot more selective, this might be your only chance, so take advantage of it :D.


Kypt Akasha

Arch Conjurer of Warrior Nation

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Just checking that website out now...the music is awesome!! I think its Rob Zombie but im not sure. I've heard it before, on a Mountain Biking video my friend has....but now im not sure if it is Rob Zombie......


I'd be interested to know too. :)



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I would love to tell u but honestly I don't know. Our Queen created the site and forum so I wouldn't know all the songs :). Would you be interested to join though? I'm sure u'll love it, just read the forums. Its the best way to see what's going on :b. If you join I'll make sure u'll even get the Mp3 for the song lol hehehehe

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I might be interested in joining but when i browsed through i didnt see anything on JK2..... I have no experience in clans but i ben playing tribes 2 solo for a long time and Return to castle wolfenstein for a few weeks. I play Everquest, UO and Daoc. Although i consider myself more of a twitch gamer then a RPr.


PS The song on the website sounds like Disturbed. *shrug*



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We don't have a Jedi Knight 2 section yet due to the fact that there is a rule. To add a new game to the Nation I need to bring 5 people from the outside to make the new section. So far I have one and several WNxers but the WNxers don't count :b. Once with 5 new recruits the board and page will be added and we'll be on our way. BTW, u can change songs if u don't like that one :b


Kypt Akasha

Arch Conjurer of Warrior Nation


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If you don't want to join you could still go inside the forum and check our pictures in the "void" section of the forum :p. We're all pretty ugly looking but there's a few good looking girls in there :D. If not for the game, join for the girls! J/k heheheeh

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As long as you can be active its ok. One game a month is not active...4-5 games a week is a bit active. If you can do that and THEN after your exams are over u can become more active ur welcome to sign up.

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Its Jedi Knight 2, it just came out so there's not really elites yet, yet we do practice regularly and teach each other whatever we learn. We WILL become the elites of JK2 :). To begin, go into the site (http://www.warriornation.com) and look around. The Jedi Knight 2 page is being worked on, yet we DO have the forum. If you wish to see our forums click here. Read the law, we have a pretty solid set of rules taht must be followed and well, register! Put me as you recruiter (WNxKypt) and Jedi Knight 2 as your primary game. After you receive ur password just post in the newmember section and on the JK2 section. Become active on the forum and in the game and u'll get far with us :) BTW, we prefer mature people...with this I don't really mean age-wise, just mind wise, being a 24 year old a$sh0l3 doesn't qualify as mature, u get my meaning :)

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