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Weapons that seek the enemy---bad idea


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Haven't any of you seen the Giga videos? If you notice, he throws his light saber alot, if you throw it in a bad location, or get hit whilest you are throwing it, you lose it... then you have to take extra time to go and pick it up or use force pull to get it.


To block the saber throw, just face it, just like blocking blaster fire, you block the saber throw.


Homing rockets, if you see the trailer #2, has a very slow turning radius. The guy that is targeted with the rocket almost avoids it just by force jumping. In the open it would be very difficult to avoid, but in a tight corridor, it would be easy. A homing rocket is just like a sniper rifle in other FPS's, if there's a sniper rifle, good bye running out in the open.


So don't knock what you don't know, go onto the RtCW forums and see how many people complain that they included a sniper rifle, or flame thrower.


anyhoo... just my two droids worth... :bdroid2: :bdroid2:

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Originally posted by Kuluwen

In the E3 trailor i think he blocks the homing lightsabor like he would a laser shot....... he didnt force push it. So i imagine the homing sabor wont be worth using all that often unless the person has his back turned to you. otherwise it leaves u defenceless.





saber throw was used a lot for killing single stormies in the e3 one, probably throw-hide-wait-collect :)

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I think that homing weapons will not spoil the game. Not all multiplayer maps will even have them, just like in JK, when only certain levels have the rail gun, or concussion rifle. Besides, it will take skill to dodge it, with makes it something that people will abuse early on, but after people have some time with the game, they will figure out ways to avoid being killed.

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