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I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT!!!! the mouse/keyboard light that is ;)


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ok fine you made me do it.... you, the jkii.net fourm sysem denziens have converted one keys only heathen! wow......

I cant beleave it took this ****ing long for me to do it.

i am runing rtcw demo and jk1 with the sbx3.1 mod

rtcw: it bumped me up a rung on the ladder of skill

jk1: ok i admit had thout i was hot stuff, and i might have been right.


boy was i wrong :D


now i am siting hear thinking "what the hell is the matter with me? why did it take so me long...........:D" doing jk1 sp on lvl 4 with that sab, i felt like those great trailer sab moves, silceing and diceing left and right.....

after i wacked my first group of badies i went "H01Y $*** unquote :D

any body wanna dual in jk1 with sbx? might be a good way to warm up to JO ;)

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