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Menu Screenshots! *SPOILERS*


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Besides skin you can chose light-dark side, level of Jedi Power (Jedi Master,Initiate) etc.


The most intriguing thing though is the force powers customization. From what I've seen on TV (compare "new footage" thread) there'll be different pregenerated "classes" like

"Defender","Meelee" etc.


But you can also choose freely with a limited amount of points to distribute.


Besides all the force powers you can spend points on "Saber attack" and "Saber Defense".


The point cost seems to depend on the level of the force power i.e. Level 1 Jump costs 2 points, Level 2 4 Points, lvl 3 6 points.

I guess this adds up so most probably you'd have to invest 12 points for level 3 jump.

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