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Trade Federation Troops

Guest Kudar

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I don't know one of the missions you have to get find something for the trade fed (sorry i don't want to spoil the game for anyone that has not played it) If that pice is destroyed your droids may stop working...


I don't know, no naboo made it into my base in that mission...

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Originally posted by Wraith 5

I don't know one of the missions you have to get find something for the trade fed (sorry i don't want to spoil the game for anyone that has not played it) If that pice is destroyed your droids may stop working...


I don't know, no naboo made it into my base in that mission...


Thanks, ok that's cool I guessed it may be a trigger that stops them working as opposed to an actual building, that's basically what I wanted to know, so I can use that info in a scenario cheers :D

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Guest WC_heavyarms

there is one similar to it in the oon-9 campaign, in the boss nass campaign, they aren't there because it takes place 150,000 years before TPM

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