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JKII isnt even out yet? How do you know it is a classic or not? Jedi Knight was a classic dont whine about that ask 99% of those pc game reviewrs and they will say yes JK was a revolutionary game, lots called it father to HL, even Gabe said he got lots of ideas from JK.

Wait till carmack comes out with Doom 3 engine, then we will see whos talking

And dont dis Quake, a true gamer wouldnt, Quake is roots to HL and alot of FPS's out there seems you being a true gamer might know that.

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Yadda Yadda. Yes. I got through Deus Ex on hardest mode, Half Life, Hitman, etc. I play all games on hardest difficulty.


Yes I have knowledge. And any avid gamer, hardcore gamer. Will tell you Quake engine is slowly dying a slow death. UT engine, even UT2 engine is amazing.


Why do you think 3drealms changed Duke Forever to UT engine. Thats the first and last best idea they had in all there five year development :-).


And as for MGS2 critics. IT has indepth story. You want mindless shooting. No brainer gamer. Go play Serious Sam. I want a game with depth, story, I have to use brain power. Sure the cutscenes and codec is long. But it gets you into the game. And makes you pull all nighters.


And give me a break guys. Go look at all the comments on voodooextreme, shacknews. They are the worst critics and hav ea high standard like me. You dont see them comeing here with there fanboy posts.


You say to me try game first. But you all are dead set thinking Jedi 2 will be a best seller and you havent played it yourselves.


Jedi 2 will be as good as that freedom force demo. Hehe.


I dont care if its a superhero or sci fi hero. There all comic book characters to me. I want real characters like Jc Denton from Deus Ex. Or solid Snake from MGS2. Real heros. Not just spacey crap.


Sure Halo is Sci Fi. But its inovative, new. It does the theme very well. But star wars, star trek is just predictable.

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Apart from Xen. Quake engine was the worst thing about HL. You imagine HL on UT engine. It would be a dream.


John Carmack. Dont get me started. Apart from his, bwhaha, Daikatana. His porn star girlfriend Stevie Casie, heheh, The two combines can create a new born child. daikatana 2 :-).

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mindless shoooter?? no Half-Life did not once pull you out of the game experince to have a cut scene and go" snake you have to kill the bad guys" i dint like Serious sam much anyways. tehre are lots of good reviewrs ou there, gamespot, pcign, gamespy, avault, pcgamer, CGW, ect, I dont know if JK II will be the best or not, but it seems to be verygood from the reviews I've heard, Raven is a good company true to its word. Halo wasnt that innotive get past the vehicals its anotehr shoot em up. MGS2 Halo good game, great games, but JK was a rocking awesome game, and it seems its sequal will do good as well.

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Rain Wolf, you have a right to voice your opinions on these boards my friend, and i respect them. It seems though, as others have said, that you are looking for a quick "piss people off" thing by putting down JKO and SOF2... before they are even released. Not a wise choice my friend. It only shows incompetence and lack of intelligence. I seriously doubt any 27 year old is this incompetent and unintelligent. Word of advice, never talk about anything you know nothing about. When you play these games, feel free then, and only then, to give your opinion of them. JKO a kiddie game? Well, i guess it makes the first "kiddie game" where you slash and blow and blast people, you know, killin' people. Call me crazy, but a game where you kill people, is no kiddie game.


By the way, some of us may be "noobs", but most of us aren't, and from looking at your registration date on these boards, YOU are the noob here, my friend. Next time, think before you post. This forum community does not take lightly to people that flame for no reason. Be constructive with your posts, not destructive.


Maynard, he/she may be in a different country where his/her government did have GTA3 censored. Then again, maybe not.

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Quake dying a slow death? well technically true but only because the successor was named doom3, it could have easily been the quake 4 engine. Also if you think the UT engine is as good as the quake 3 engine go get your eyes checked. there's a reason all the new games use the Q3 engine, UT looks great but it just can't look as good as the Q3 engine.

Some have said that they can't see anyone out of their teens acting like you, IMO most of the teens I know are a LOT more mature that you are. Go away little troll.


oh and

1.8ghz p4, gf3, also alienware. guess I'm not quite as big a newbie as TheStorm ;)

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yea your a real big gamer. lol carmack did not create Daikatana dumb @$$, he is not with stevie case, thats John Romero, hes stupid, Carmack created Wolfenstein 3d, Doom, Doom II Quake Quake II Quake III, and soon Doom 3, if you were a real gamer you would know who carmack is.

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You saying Raven is a good company. Is like saying 3drealms are gameing gods. Has raven produced anything close to HL or Deus Ex, I dont think so :-).


You see I am open minded. I am not one platform fan boy. I see the good and bad in both. But either your newbies. Or cant afford high end hardcore systems and other platoforms like PS2 and Xbox.


I love games that are new and "original. Hence Deus Ex.


And as for kiddie game. So you cut of limbs. Hehe. Where is the blood. Where is the gibs. Go play State Of Emergency, Or Grand Theft Auto 3, or Kingpin, or better yet wait for Postal 2. Now there adult games.


So what you see limbs fly. No blood, no gore. Any shooter, fighter up, has those kiddie features. Its when you enhance it its a adult game.


But as for SOF2. Thats its only selling point, blood, gore, limbs, gibs. Big deal. Gamers want story line, interaction. Not just realistic damage.

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You sound like one of those people who cried about RtCW when they thought it was going to get a teen rating. If you think gore can make or break a game then somthing is wrong with you. You're right a REAL gamer does want story line and in depth gameplay, the gore or lack thereof will not deter the gamer from enjoying the game if it has these aspects.

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You said wheres the blood and gore... but you said in SOF2 all it has is blood and guts, Kingpin did not have a story at all. or atleast a good one. Blood and guts dont make you a big adult, only little kids brag about blood and guts because they wish to be a big kid too. Now i love story to, but LEC and raven together are making a big story for JKII JKI was the first firstperson shooter or one of the first to have a deep story line, before HL and all those others. No you arent being opened minded, you are just saying "kiddie games" what ever you mean by that, suck they dont, Elite force was fun, and so was JK, yes Deus Ex is great but had many flaws, its graphics did not comapre to some other games out there, even though Heavy metal fakk 2 wasnt the best game it had good graphics, and Deus Ex had long long save and load times, well on my old comp but for the time they were too long. Now every game you have mentioned, I like for the most part, I am opened minded and play any game taht comes my way , even if i didnt like the orgianal i try new games.It seems your a big Unreal engine fan, they are good, but wait till carmack comes out with Doom 3 it requires a ge force 3 to run at 30frame rates per second, now think of that power in it. You ask any one from 3dreams they will tell you Carmack is GOD, every developer looks up to him, and warren spector as well

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I wouldn't waste my time guys on him. He just sounds like one of those people who like to stir trouble. And everyone is right, for a 27year old you VERY IMMATURE. god, i'm 15 and i am more mature then you. I hope stormhammer or one of ther other administrators ban this guy and close this thread. Because talking to this freak is just a waste of time.

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You are not a gamer, a true gamer remembers the times spent hours playing Quake Team fortress way back in the day, Quake pretty much made multiplayer the way it is today. and if you meant carmack why did you say his porn star girl friend, only romero has her... i dont think you knew what you were talking about... unreal rocks, but dont dare dis quake, that was the begining of 3d graphics, multiplayer and for the time had really good AI.

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I wasnt that stupid to get RTCW. The crappy demo was bad enough. Why dont you all run out and get the new tomb raider. Thats just another cut out cookie in the series like star wars games.


Any of you newbies. Go play Deus Ex, MGS2, Halo, GTA3, MOH, then come debate with me. If not. Shut up.


MGS2. Inovative. Perfect game. Realistic weapons. Great animation on characters. Indepth story. Great outdoor, indoor, lighting effects.


Deus Ex. RPG, Action, Adventure elements. Loads of NPC interaction. Inviroment Interaction. Indepth story.


Sure Hitman, Deus Ex, Thief, MGS2. Are all alternate tastes. Because you newbies where born and breed on quake.


You are all colorblinded by the brown **** color that is rendered to create quake.


Wow. the carmack guy created quake 1,23, blah blah blah. Its like saying 3drealms, created or part of all teh duke cloned games.


Ion storm where part of diakatana, poor bastards. But they got rid of Romero and the porn queen. And created Deus Ex. Romero had nothing to do with it. And it shows.


You all will be the first to race out and buy Duke Forever. bahahah. Game companies just hand feed you.

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Rain wolf, why dont you take all of your moaning and complaining to a forum that would suit you better. Now I dont like MOH, but you dont see me on their forums acting like an immature, incompetent, unintelligent 4 year old, denouncing them.


Take your unconstructive remarks elsewhere.

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IF I am a newbie. Why was I play Atari, Amiga when you werent even born. Games like Defendor Of The Crown, Kings Of Chicago.


Jedi 2 is just a kids novelty game. Nothing more, nothing less. How can it be inovative, groundbreaking. Star wars theme. Been there done that.


So what. Better grahpics, better weapon models and gun models. Big deal. Doesnt make a good game to me.

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I laugh when I read stuff like this because hey, video games are video games. A lot of people make fun of anyone who plays video games at all...they don't care what kind you play. I like to play video games, who cares. I think a person like you is worse than a person who just plays games for fun. Video games are clearly your life. Keep on keepin on, thats what i say.

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