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I was wondering.. is anyone working on skins for Mara Jade Skywalker, the Solo twins, or Anakin Solo..? Or perhaps anyone else from the New Jedi Order plot from the books? I'm thinking about learning about and doing some skinning and modeling and what better to work on?


~ Yoshio

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this has nothing to do with your post...but don't want to start a new topic for this


can someone tell me if q3 skins looked like these though? the ones i remember were all fairly solid, but i was looking at reborn skin, and it has one peice with an eye a nose and a mouth...and it creeped me out lol... too late at night to be seing disembodied parts staring back at me

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Yoshio our modeller is already working on the populare star wars models.


You can contact him here : alexisz9@yahoo.com

If your work is really good and you are interested, you can always join us. We will be adding the most popular star wars models to our map pack or our co-op mod (haven't decided yet, will depend on the timeframe we got)







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