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It comes again. The glory of a Jedi to the PC.


But...this time...its different.


This time, there will be no little islands on the internet that support the game.


Tiny little 4 man game servers on that pathetic excuse for a gaming network called The Zone.


Oh no, I'm sorry, but it won't be. The Zone may support it, but thats not where the real competition will be.


Unlike in 1997, with the need for a community host such as The Zone....we now live in the 21st century, and the engine the game is being made in is very 21st century.


Its own in game server browser, Gamespy support, All Seeing Eye support. 16 - 32 player servers.


And you, you insular isolationists. You believe that JK2 will be just like it was in the old days....running around on that stupid Zone.


I am afraid that this time, young, and old jedis alike. Will find that The Force will be found at a whole new Planet.


Oh yes. Of this I'm fairly sure. Welcome to the world of real internet gaming Jedis'. I'm sure you'll find that alot of the players that will try JK2 as their first JK game will have some very suprising skills to show you.


Especially those that are familiar with the Q3:TA engine.


Prepare for the new age Jedis', because like or no, it is upon you.


Your alliances and clans will be as nothing. Prepare!

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I don't think it needs to be stated.


There will be a few Zone faithful that will play their first JO MP game on the Zone but that site will be empty in no time when they just open up the in-game browser.


Dedicated servers with upto 32 players compared to peer2peer? Just a matter of time. But I can't wait.....

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