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The giga videos show a crosshair that changes size depending on how far away the object you are aiming it at is.

I really dislike this kind of x-hair since it throws my sense of the mouse sensitivity off, making me miss my reflex shots.


Anyone know if theres an option to turn this off/on?

Perhaps one of the options in the menu in the giga videos says this and I´ve missed it since I dont understand German?

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the crosshair seems to be independant in 3rd of what direction your moving. This seems incredibly bizarre to me. Like you can move straight ahead and aim at various things on screen. Seems to be a boundary on the screen that if u go into u start to turn.


you see his head move before he begins to turn, its very strange. 3rd person mode might be a tad more difficult to control than in JK.


its a floating 3d crosshair. weeeeeird. Whatchu guys think?




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