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*POSSIBLE SPOILERS* If ne1 has some questions - I'm one of the German Giga guys :)


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Did you play any games with bots? If so, can you fully configure them at say the force power screen and saber color screen like you guys did in giga4.avi?


Cause i'd be interested in me being jedi and a few stormtrooper bots with NO force...




also, i wonder if, in the force power screen, if you put saber attack, throw, and defence to ZERO if that bot cant even use a saber than... that would be the best

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Good qs ppl and I´m honoured to meet the man who is the "dumb" part of "dumb & dumber"!

j/k although u 2, most notably eddie wan (dumber :D), goofed around a lot, you made these videos possible and.. sniff sniff.. never have so few done something so great for so many...


One q: How many hits from a saber can you take b4 u die in multiplayer? Give me an estimate on amount of hits with the different stances if you can.


Oh and Tomcat, 3 things.


1) Ya foo ya stole meh saberblock q!


2) The "meditating" you saw on giga was just one of the guys wanting to feel a little quigonn so he crouched next to the forcefield and turned is saber off. I think hes saying something about that the other should meditate as well :p



Cause i'd be interested in me being jedi and a few stormtrooper bots with NO force...

Hey that makes me think of this nifty feature they included in the game! Now what was it called? Wait wait it´s coming back to me.... SINGLEPLAYER! yeah thats it! :D :D

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Yes but singleplayer has no death star and they dont respawn :)


soooooooooo what i want is to play the Jedi Master game mode with stormtrooper bots, like 8 or so, on the death star map...


Of course i must make sure that I get the saber :D




About mediating, i thought you could actually push a button and meditate, but i guess its just extinguish saber and crouch :)



It would be a fun thing, meditating position that makes force mana recharge faster, lol

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