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Mara Jade?


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now i know that the answer to BOBA FETT and VADER being in the game is no, but what about MARA JADE? i for one, really hope that she is in the game, both as someone you see/interact with during the SP game and as an MP skin... i think it would blow chunks if she wasn't in it, i don't like it when games/movies/books kind of set aside characters when sequels come (like how there was no appearance or mere mention of JAN in MOTS but in OUTCAST shes right by KATARN'S side like nothing happened! it kind of makes you wonder whether they, raven/lucasarts, even took MOTS into consideration when writing OUTCAST'S story) anyways, i just hope shes in it cause i don't like when people get excluded.

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Hasn't it already been confirmed in an interview that Mara wouldn't appear in the game? So far as I know, all the MP skins are from the SP game, so Mara most likely won't be there.


She has no reason to be there, anyway. She probably has very little to do with Kyle at this point. As for Jan, consider that she is still a Rebel Agent during MoTS, so you should figure that she was off on a mission during the events of the game.


Mara is a really cool character, and there are some excellent artists in the MOD communities, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time until we have whole MODs focused on her, plus some great skins.

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