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JKII on German gaming show.

Drivian Taluus

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Back from hiatus, everybody. While battling isomnia the other night, I flipped on GIGA (a German media show, I live in Germany), and lo and behold, I saw these two guys sitting at their desks (that were cluttered with Star Wars stuff I might add) wearing Jedi cloaks. I was confused for a moment, but when they both made lightsaber ignition noises, I became interested. Then one of them turned to the computer and started messing with the keys and mouse. When the camera showed the feed from the computer, my jaw dropped to the floor. These guys were playing JKII!:eek: The level they were playing appeared to be some sort of Imperial base. They wandered around, looking at stuff (Jan most notably) and testing out guns (INCLUDING the lightsaber). The thermals, bowcaster, Bryar, E-11, were all seen. There were different guns too, such as the DEMP gun, the repeater (projectile), the flechette, disrupter, mines, and rocket launcher. He used a turreted gun (a la MotS) to blow down the door and he went inside. When the stormies started swarming out, he whipped ou the saber, and my jaw dropped even farther (somehow). The motions were so smooth! So lifelike! So freakin' awesome! While playing, they were yammering in German. I caught something about Jar Jar, and I assumed they wanted to dice him into schnitzel. Stormies dropped like flies before the might of Kyle's saber. With each swing i became even more glad that I had already preordered from EBGames (they're shipping on Wednesday :D). He loaded another level, this time he was fighting Reborn Jedi with Luke. His German heinie was carved up several times. That's about it. Btw, GIGA's website is giga.de for anyone who can read German.

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