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USPS tracking code...


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I pre-ordered my copy of the game and last night or this morning i checked the LEC site and they said that my game has been shipped. Now i would assume that this means it is eaither on a truck or a plane destined for my house in ohio. so when i go to check the tracking number on the USPS site, it says the following:


There is no record of that mail item. If it was mailed recently, it may not yet be tracked. Please try again later.


I am guessing that this means that my game still hasnt left california and still hasnt been picked up by the USPS. Hopefully it is a glitch in the system and my game is in an airplane somewhere over nebraska. If someone has any idea, or the same problem i have, please reply. I just want to know when my game is gonna get here.

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I pre-ordered a few game before from LEC......their USPS online

tracking doesn't worked period....everytime u press the traking button that message comes out :(


There is no record of that mail item. If it was mailed recently, it may not yet be tracked. Please try again later.


When it finally arrives, it will say that it has been delivered,at this time and date.....go figure:(


Its already shipped to u? Man, i've still haven't received any mail

saying that its shipped...:(



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I know that UPS doesn't always update their tracking process on time. On one occasion, I checked their website, and it said there was no record of my package. I checked again a few hours later, and it had the entire record of my packages shipment, all the way up to the dropoff time at my house. When I got home, sure enough, the package was waiting for me. So just because it says there is no record on their website, it doesn't necessarily mean that the package isn't on the way.



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most likly the truck that picked up your game just got there and is headed to the airport because i get the same messaged. also, it could be that USPS havn't updated their site yet so no worries. Since it was shipped today, (like mine) we could expect it tomarrow when ever you recieve your mail during the day. Where i live we get your mail around 12pm-1pm so those are the times and i making sure i am home tomarrow, thursday and friday to see which day it comes in. Personally i hope tomarrow or thursday the latest. I mean it is my spring break this weeka nd i want to ahve some fun before i go back to school next tuesday. (we got monday off, day after easter DUH!) :D



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thanks for the info. I guess it stinks that i have to work tomorrow from 4-9 pm. and usualy our mail gets here around 4. arg. hopefully it will come tomorrow even if i am at work, so that i can come home and install it. someone should be home to get it for me. i guess i am the lucky one though, my last day of school is thursday and i dont have to go back until next monday. so much time to practice. hehehe.

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If it just shipped today, I wouldn't expect to see it tomorrow unless you paid that extremely high LEC overnight shipping cost. More likely I would expect you would see your game arrive on Thursday or possibly even Friday if you live farther away from a distribution center.

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I live on ohio, so in theory i should get it before you Indy, but we all know how this world works. Honestly, i do hope i get it before you, but thats just because i want it as bad as you do (no offense). Let me say that on the LEC site it said that my copy shipped early in the morning the 26th, so i am expecting it either the 27th or 28th. Truthfully i really dont know, i am just bumbing this up to the top so someone with some knowledge can answer your question.

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what does the tracking thing do?


when will it show up not says

There is no record of that mail item. If it was mailed recently, it may not yet be tracked. Please try again later.


when will that change?


when it doesnt say that what does it say?

does your say something differant?



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It is supposed to track your package from one point to another. Like from one airport to another. the UPS tracking system works great. I was able to track my comp from texas to ohio fairly easily. As for whether or not that dumb message will change, i have no clue. other people have said that usps moves packages so fast that they simply cant update their website fast enough. so i am not quite sure. by the way, mine still says the same thing yours does and it has said that for about 21 hours now.

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It will get to you soon. I also ordered mine from Lucasarts with the free shipping so I would imagine it should come the 28th or 29th at the latest. Remember, Priority mail is 2 to 3 days. Just try be patient like me ^_^ heh (I'm trying extremely hard).

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Heh, you might be amzed to what I have done to stay patient (to some extent ^_^). The best example is that I bought shadows of the empire for my pc lol. beat that in like...a day lol. That didn't work too well. As for now, I think I'll start up a new game of tpm on my pc lol. You may all laugh ^_^.

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Originally posted by Coligeon

It will get to you soon. I also ordered mine from Lucasarts with the free shipping so I would imagine it should come the 28th or 29th at the latest. Remember, Priority mail is 2 to 3 days. Just try be patient like me ^_^ heh (I'm trying extremely hard).


i guess i have to wait and be pacient to

but its so hard while everybody else has the game:D



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for all of you guys who pre-ordered from Lucasarts and chose the standard 2-3 day shipping option, i have some info for you. If you guys are wondering about that tracking code with USPS, i have some interesting news on how it works. since according to LEC my game had shipped and everyimte i checked the USPS web site to see where my package would be, i got that error message saying that it hadnt been scanned into their system yet. so i up and e-mailed lucasarts today about this whole thing. Here's what i got for a response:


Thank you for your inquiry.


The USPS tracking service for Priority Mail is a delivery-type track. That is, when the package arrives at your end, it is scanned into their system. Therefore, until the day it is due for delivery, it will not show up in their system.


If you do not receive the game in a few days, please reply back to us here and we will issue a request for them to find the package.


Best regards,


LucasArts Company Store



so if you are like me and wondering where in the world your game is, i guess we wont know until it is on our doorstep. :(

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Originally posted by Coligeon

It will get to you soon. I also ordered mine from Lucasarts with the free shipping so I would imagine it should come the 28th or 29th at the latest. Remember, Priority mail is 2 to 3 days. Just try be patient like me ^_^ heh (I'm trying extremely hard).


yep i guess i have to be pacient


that stinks!!!!


i want this game!!!!!!!!



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