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Does it run like Quake 3 Team Arena or Wolfenstein?


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Obviously this is for people who have played, of course, wolfenstein was made from quake 3 team arena but wolfenstein lags for some reason, in big areas, doesn't happen to me in quake 3 team arena, that game flys nicely, but wolfenstein kinda lags....I run at 1024x768x32 on both


my system is


1 ghz p3

512 ram

geforce 3


if anybody has similar specs to me and has played I would appreciate a responce thanks

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alphaknight I have about 700 mb ram otherwise my system is exactly the same as yours from the info given. When you talk of slowdowns in wolfenstein do you mean in single player or multi player? I mean from the fact that in SP I experience a solid 55-90 FPS pretty much all the time in large areas as well. On the other hand, in MP, I tend to lag a bit in larger areas (beach invasion-allied/axis side, depot-allied spawn) but that is just an MP issue due to the mass number of player models on either side in the point of view that taxes your video card, along with the server. (if I'm posting a "no s**t" statement then I'm sorry I'm not trying to patronize you) Basically in SP I have no slowdown in areas big or small, in MP I do have slowdown in big areas. I haven't played JKII, but I would imagine the world of Star Wars to be a bit more complex than Nazi Germany so it will probably perform in the general area but slower....

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It flies along on my system at 1024x768, with high quality details etc (My crap monitor doesn't support higher res, and my good one is on the blink)

I have a 1.2athlon @1.3, GF2 GTS SB Audigy and 768 MB RAM, just turned of Antiostropic filtering and its a liquid smooth framerate.

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