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Private Duelling--What do you think?


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Hey, how come Pat gets a Raven Software under his name and I do not. That makes me frown and it looks like this ---> :(



DOH! Apparently I have a Raven Software under my name too. That makes me smile and it looks like this ---> :cool:

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i say, you take this to the extreme and make it a new game stlye.


lets say you have a match that lasts 20 minutes, during that time it takes your score percentage(kills & deaths, whatever else scoring system u use) and after 20 minutes everyone goes into observer mod, and the top 2 people duel in front of everyone.



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Bots do NOT accept duels. I've tested this extensively, both with the lightsaber ignited or otherwise.


Ninja: theres already a game mode called Duel that does just that. Two people duel while the others watch, and the victor goes to the next round against someone else.


Vertigon: A very nice feature but you're right, people dont seem to know about it. That, or they dont care. Best used with friends or people who like that sort of thing.

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Originally posted by Baleine


Ninja: theres already a game mode called Duel that does just that. Two people duel while the others watch, and the victor goes to the next round against someone else.



doh, thats what i get for opening my newbie a$$ mouth, w/ out playin the game, lol.



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