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Models I am waiting for


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You can convert them from q3 to jk2, you just need to change some of the animations or even add some animations.


Hey man! Thats what I want to do! If someone could point me the right way and tell me how to start! I will start converting models.

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Originally posted by UniKorn

You can convert them from q3 to jk2, you just need to change some of the animations or even add some animations.


No, you can't convert model files straight from quake 3 to JK2 model format. JK2 uses skeletal animation, q3a uses vertex animation. You'd have to get the model into a 3d modeller and apply a skeleton.

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I'm certainly not an editing expert, but couldn't most human characters just be accomplished by using a different skin instead of a whole new model. Anyway, something that should be pretty easy is to make different Luke skins (ex: X-Wing Pilot Luke, Bespin Luke, Hoth Luke, etc.) instead of everyone having to use Jedi Luke. That would be cool. Hmmm...what else? Obviously, Vader, Emperor, Han, Leia, a Chewbacca model, etc. etc. SOOOO many skins, so little time. :)

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I'm thinking about making a George Lucas model, BUT my experience with 3-D modeling is exclusively Hash Animation Master, not games. I could make a low-res model, with a skin, but I wouldn't have the slightest idea in how to convert the *.mdl model file, *.act action file, or *.BMP to the necessary game file type. I'm not getting the game til' Monday or Tuesday, so anything involving poly-counts, texture qualities, etc. is currently foreign to me. If someone gave me the specs on how many polys a character normally has, I'd be more than happy to build one. Heck I'd even try to make a Boba or Jango model.:bored:

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