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Level 4 help would be awesome :)


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Im on level 4 or 5, its the level with the ATST right in front of you, the two large gun arrays you need to blow up, etc. I hope thats enough information. Anyways, I've looked all over but Im lost, I destroyed both of the large Gun arrays and you hear the radio msg of still not being able to land, and I am suppose to meet up with Jan. I've destroyed all the turrets you can, and Im still stuck. There is a door that is locked in the ATST hanger on the top level, and I can hear people behind it if I shoot at it or go near it. Any ideas on how to get that open? I've tried everything.


Any suggestions would be awesome.




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The ion cannons?


Kill the cannons, and there might be a ATST still below preventing Jan from coming in. Make it exhaust all of its 10,000 missiles (it took me around 20 minutes to do this) then hop on a gun and take it out. Run back in the building that you have to run across the ion cannons to get to. Stormtroopers come out of the once-locked door.


A neat cutscene with a bad jedi awaits.

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Ok here is how the level went for me.


kill the first 2 atsts and soldiers with the first gun you get to.


run like crazy to the end of the ion cannon canyon, dont let the atst step on you just bolt for the door of building "A".


up top kill everyone and jump across the ion cannons without dying, enter building "B"


run around hitting buttons and stuff until the ion cannons shields are down. go back up top and take them out with the chair gun. the one closest to building "A" is safest because the remaining ATST cant hit you.


you have to take out that ATST so jan can land. run back across the wrecked ion cannons to building "B".


let the ATST unload all its missiles at you, if you try to duke it out in the chair you will die. Kill it after it runs out of missiles. jan will radio you to meet her in the small canyon (that you haven't seen yet)


go back in building "B". stormtroopers flood out of a door that was locked before. kill them all and go forth.


If I remember correctly thats how the level happened for me.

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Originally posted by jhoyt

Alright, I've tried everyones suggestsions, but there is still a no go on completling the level. That stupid locked door wont open up still. bah. Any other suggestions?


Btw, I reall appreciate all your help so far.





You have to go to the bottom of the AT-ST bay, find the door to the room that controls the shields that protect the 2 huge ion cannons. Turn off the shields. Then go back up to the ion cannons and destroy them with the emplaced guns. A ship should come down and pick up the prisoners and Jan should come and land. (Also: make sure to use your datapad when you don't know what you should do)

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OK Heres the real deal.....****GLITCH****. I had the same issue. If you kill the first ATST and then go down and run to the other door and get the 2nd ATST to follow you back tothe first big gun and ride the elevator up to get to the big gun the ATST disappears. Then at the end of the mission you cant get your ship to land because the second ATST was never destroyed. I actually had to replay the Level to get to the end of the level. You MUST not go backwards when the ATST comes out but try and get around it into the hangar and destroy him with the Large Laer cannons next to the ION cannons. That is how it really happened. Anyway I still had to leave the complex and then come back in to get that Stupid door in the ATST hangar to open at the end of the level. Besides this so far it appears to be a great game. I am sure raven will address this in the first patch...Happy Sith Hunting:D

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