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Gamespot not shipped????

Guest IceWind

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Guest IceWind

What the hell?? I have mine on overnight deliever!! What is this?? Now im hearing theres not going to be enough for everyone?? ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*boots JK and cries remember good old days*

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When I called I was told they were shipping out tonight. When someone else called they said they are having to split them up between today and tomorrow. It's not that they dont have enough, just that there are so many orders that they may not be able to ship them all out by tonight. I hope they ship mine, I really dont want to have to skip class tomorrow to hunt the dang game down.

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Guest Apparition

Sorry, it doesn't work in first come first ship. They ship in bulk to save time and costs. So overnights to different areas get shipped together. It's all about areas. They don't just send your copy to you. They send a whole crap load of copies to UPS or USPS or whatever and they send them out to individual areas. What time you ordered it, unfortunately, has nothing to do with it.

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Well good then the only thing that can work against me is location, and I'm in a major city with a major airport. I'm saying this basically to will them to ship the dang thing. I know when it ships to me it only stops at the Kentucky Hub before it gets to my city. Gonna go buy a lucky rabbits foot, and a magic 8 ball, maybe that will help. :D

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Welcome to the forums!


Well I'm about to pull my hair out since I pre-ordered on gamstop too. I just called and the customer service guy said that they were getting my order ready to ship in the warehouse and that it should go out tonight, but I'm still going to cross my fingers. He said since I did overnight I would have it tomorrow or friday, so apparently there was some doubt in his mind that it will go out tonight. I suggest giving them a call and asking about it, sometimes the game has shipped and it takes awhile to update the site.

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Woohooo!! Mine has shipped....only prob is that its FedEx. I went with gamestop to avoid FedEx because I wanted it left at my door. lol, pretty ironic I guess. I guess I'll have to skip my differential equations class tomorrow...hehe didnt need that stuff anyway. :D

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lol wooot woot!!


mine shipped toooooooooo!!!!!!!!!


it just shows how pathetic i am..

when i saw that i was shipped...i actually..


i would've screamed..but didn't want to be loud..lol


great...now i won't sleep tonight!!!!! lol

i'll be like sitting outside tommorrow morning waiting for the fedex guy to arrive..lol....and if i actually do sleep..that means i will have to get up early tommorrow..oh well..jo is better than sleep..lol. (gotta love spring break! )



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Guest IceWind

Woooot!! My beatiful Tin Collecters version has shipped!! Its on that oh so fast FedeX plane leaving Dallas Texas now! Damn, guess im gonna have to skip some classes tomorro, so I can kiss the FeDex man and then grab my copy!:D

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Apparition, I have to completely disagree with you. It ships first come first serve. Organizing orders to go to different areas is UPS/FedEx/USPS's job...NOT the company shipping it. They load all the orders they could fill onto trucks and it's outta their control from then on. I work for an ecommerce site and it's the way we ship, it would also not be economically smart to separate the orders into areas before shipping them.

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