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I am guessing that most people on here are RMers.


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I perfer Random Maps. In fact I've only played three DM's ever so far, usually when I was really having a hard time finding opponents.


I've played a couple of the scenarios as well, just for something a little different, but none of the other play modes interests me even close to as much as a Random Map game.



:atat: Join Imperial Vengeance!


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RM is definitely my favorite way to play. Campaign games are always the same (when you play the mission over, etc.) and usually have a specific goal reather than a general building/attacking/conquest seting. DMs give you different maps each time, but don't give you the slow development time... it's "quick build, quick attack, quick conquest". RMs, however, give you plenty of time to slowly build your civ, and the map is also different each time. So RMs are my favorite, and I've played RMs probably 98% of the time.

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