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I'm stuck......in the mines


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i am at the same part. What you have to do is after the room with the darth vader looking fighters are u have to get on the top catwalk and just walk all the way around, stay to the left wall from u and u will get to a door that opens. Then there is a small catwalk to another door but it is locked, look to the right and you will see a vent, then it's just basic crawling until you get to a longlong shaft with a fan at the bottom. I am stuck here. I know you can somehow turn on the fan, no idea how, which would bring u down gently, or u can jump on the small ledges, or lights, there all the way down, but each jump takes more than 30 life so if you don't have any way to heal yourself there is no way to do it by jumping the ledges. Can anyone tell me how they got through this. and no i don't have anything to heal mysef, and i am not at 100 health either. Thx in advance.

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there are six buttons in the room with the wind spiral thingy

outside of it.....so examine carefully and click on all the buttons....

if all buttons are pressed i'm sure the wind should be activated!

hehe thx again......b/c of u i got thru the jedi trials!!!



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