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Cloud City help needed.


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I have ridden the air in a pipe up through the pipe and are sitting on a ledge but can't seem to get to the ledge that I see up and to the right. Am I supposed to be there? Also, I am having problems with extremely long load times. Not for the level or the first save I load but any other saves I load take nearly 10min to load. I can relauch the app and load a save quickly or load a checkpoint quickly at any time but cannot seem to get a later save to load quickly. Quick load also does this. Thanks.





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Originally posted by Thinine

I have ridden the air in a pipe up through the pipe and are sitting on a ledge but can't seem to get to the ledge that I see up and to the right. Am I supposed to be there? Also, I am having problems with extremely long load times. Not for the level or the first save I load but any other saves I load take nearly 10min to load. I can relauch the app and load a save quickly or load a checkpoint quickly at any time but cannot seem to get a later save to load quickly. Quick load also does this. Thanks.




Long load times mean you're overtaxing your computer's RAM with the huge VERY HIGH detail level textures. Set the texture detail level to HIGH and your load times should improve dramatically.


As for the ledge you need to get to, you should see and hear a gust of wind just off the ledge of the platform you're standing on. Jump into it and it carries you up to the next platform.

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Originally posted by Thinine

My textures are set on medium. And the long loads only occur when I try to load a saved game after already loading one (when I die and want to start when I last saved).


Really? Sounds like texture thrashing to me... What's your system specs? Have the latest drivers for your card?

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