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chasing dessan question -big spoilers-


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what r u s'posed to do when u r chasing desan and you come to the cross section of tunnels where you have to push the plates to extend the tunnels but two end up just linked up to each other and the other ones a dead end?


also did anyone find a way so that you can see what u r doing whilst driving the atst's- i couldnt see half the screen because my atst was in the way, so i gave up and legged it


and did the force not work on stormies that were in the water for other people too?

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ah, yeah, and as to the AT-ST or whatever the thing is called, all you do, is move the mouse (if that's what you're using) up and down, that way it scroll the camera from over the head of the robot, to through the legs of the robot, giving you max viewing space. It would look much better from 1st person though, wait a sec, i never checked if it had 1st person, maybe it does..... should check that.

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