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problems with Lightsaber Duels


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It seems I constantly taunt "K" people into a duel and I haven't had a single person agree to duel, this is very annoying, nobody uses it and it seems like a waste of programming since it is so far a null point. but then again, it may be that all of the Warez people who are playing don't know about the controls? (K to taunt into a duel)




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Maybe I am just too used to the RTCW, MOHAA, and Counter-Strike community where people are constantly chatting, asking questions, giving help and tips, I tried to tell people to press "K" to duel on numerous times (I really want to see this) but nobody even responds, it's like they don't read whats going on.

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One thing i noticed. Maybe there are more like me in this... but when im playing and someone comes up to me with a Saber in there hand.. i dont watch for the stupid text at the top of the screen. I consintrate on making sure im the one alive in 5 seconds. :)

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I had a very good experience with dueling... pretty good story too.


I was battleing just recently and I kept killing this guy (I think his Moniker was HaXx0r somethingorother) not purposly. He would be fighting, and I'd just run up and kill the first person I saw. ;)


So finally he got sick of it and threw his glove down, hit K and challenged me to a duel. I accepted and we went at it. He won, I congratulated him and we went our seperate ways.


very nice use of the duel. But that was my only experience with it. I do see how it could be easily abused.


I'd still like to know how bots react to it... more testing needed on my part I suppose.

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Originally posted by ps2maddenman

It seems I constantly taunt "K" people into a duel and I haven't had a single person agree to duel, this is very annoying, nobody uses it and it seems like a waste of programming since it is so far a null point. but then again, it may be that all of the Warez people who are playing don't know about the controls? (K to taunt into a duel)





I know, I've been trying to teach them. I keep backing off and challenging them until they ask me how to accept the challenge and I tell them. Then they tell 2 people, then they each tell to more people, then... well, you get the idea... :)

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Well, dueling somebdy can be borring, you dont get to use the force powers, when someone duels me, theres a 50\50% chance if i accept, depending on the situation, but its fun when they try to dduel you, and you run up and kick them and kill them =)

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