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this game needs "classes" =)


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i think it would have been so awesome it there were character "classes" in the game. example:


jedi - saber only

bounty hunteresque - trapping/sneaky type weapons

grunts - standard type weapons



i think it would be sooo much fun; harder to implement though

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of course. but they're not like what i mentioned. any char can use all weapons. i'm talkin' specific weapons/ablilities for a class. i mean, it looks corny to see a stormtrooper swinging a saber and using force

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I have to agree, its kinda corny without classes. Everyone just runs around using the speed force power and spams AoE(area of effect) weapons in ctf.

Or they just use drain/lightning on the room to get the flag/kills or whatever game type you are in.

Id have really liked to see classes in. If you want guns, you dont get the force, if you want the force, no guns.

And on the darkside force powers...I think they are...alittle unbalanced. If someone grips you..well...can you do anything about it? hitting them doesnt break the grip. And whoosh off you go over a cliff since you cant fly or levitate.

Then theres drain, it sucks away a persons force incredibally fast AND heals the person...I think it should suck the persons using its force at the same rate it drains. Or dont make it an AoE attack. That way you cant just pull the trigger and cripple someone.

And lightning, I think it does too much damage too fast since it is AoE. Make the person stand immobile when using it so they cant kite (dealing damage to you while staying out of your range) you.

Onto push and pull. Is there affect random? Sometimes it seems to push/pull and sometimes it doesnt. Sometimes Ill resist it and sometimes I wont. I realise if your doing an action it hits you easier, but even when im just standing still facing the guy, woosh off the edge I go again...

Thats all I can think of right now. I meant this as a constructive post so no flames please =)

Great game aside from its flaws. Single player was awesome, just alittle over puzzled, but manageable.



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Originally posted by Morkath

I have to agree, its kinda corny without classes. Everyone just runs around using the speed force power and spams AoE(area of effect) weapons in ctf.

Or they just use drain/lightning on the room to get the flag/kills or whatever game type you are in.

Id have really liked to see classes in. If you want guns, you dont get the force, if you want the force, no guns.

And on the darkside force powers...I think they are...alittle unbalanced. If someone grips you..well...can you do anything about it? hitting them doesnt break the grip. And whoosh off you go over a cliff since you cant fly or levitate.

Then theres drain, it sucks away a persons force incredibally fast AND heals the person...I think it should suck the persons using its force at the same rate it drains. Or dont make it an AoE attack. That way you cant just pull the trigger and cripple someone.

And lightning, I think it does too much damage too fast since it is AoE. Make the person stand immobile when using it so they cant kite (dealing damage to you while staying out of your range) you.

Onto push and pull. Is there affect random? Sometimes it seems to push/pull and sometimes it doesnt. Sometimes Ill resist it and sometimes I wont. I realise if your doing an action it hits you easier, but even when im just standing still facing the guy, woosh off the edge I go again...

Thats all I can think of right now. I meant this as a constructive post so no flames please =)

Great game aside from its flaws. Single player was awesome, just alittle over puzzled, but manageable.




only drain is somewhat unbalanced.


everything else is easily countered with a simple absorb switch.

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