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Stuck in End Level2part2


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After saving the prisoners and getting to the station commander, you're supposed to 'persuade' him to open the main hanger doors. Now, I've already guessed that means pointing a gun at his face and guiding him back to the prisoners, only he won't do as I say! I walk towards him, he sticks his hands up in the air, and goes were my crosshair stands. Only, he doesn't walk through to door that leads toward the prisoners, instead he feels like impressing me with a ballet like dance(face door, face me, face door again, then back to me...)

This has been going on for about two hours now, frustrated Iam...

I think I smashed up my keyboard....

Alright, I'm going to the store to buy a new keyboard.......

Souhh, does anyone have any tips hints about how to guided him to the prisoners? Imean, you seem to have gotten further....

Tnx in advance

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"...Fate, it seems, is not without irony..." -Morpheus, The Matrix



I see now what my mistake has been..It shouldn't be me directing the BaseCommander, he should he left to the directing buisness himself...

After all, it IS his base (commander)...

har har har...

Many tnx guys!!

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Even though I believe it has been discussed multiple times here on this forum, I just tell you anywayz.

Go back to the hanger with the prisoners, and walk away from them. Look up, and notice theirs a catwalk near the ceiling. Ride an elevator up(still inside the hanger with the prisoners, we are)

and find a door. Go through it, blast some St0RmTr00p3Rz and walk on...

Till you get to the bass commander....

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