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Still in Level 1 - Area After the Color Coding Puzzle...


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OK... I figured out the color code puzzle ... and I'm checking out that "one last area" that Kyle says he wants to check out while Jan waits in the ship.


I entered a room with this really cold chamber room ... broke the glass and moved the mechanical arms (two buttons) so that I could walk on the catwalk above into the next room. Then I enter a room a small tower structure in the middle (with a rotating black/yellow striped bridge) and a bunch of locked doors in the tower.


If I leave this room and go down the hall (through the only green door available) it eventually brings me to a room with a bunch of turrets (3 or 4) and "goodies" up on blocks along walls that I can't reach yet ... and of course there is one door out, but it is still red.


I have no idea what to do from here. Do I go back to the room with the tower structure? There seems to be a room through a window with a higher ranking officer in it (with a key) but I can't seem to get to that room.


Unless I'm missing something (which I obviously am :p)


Any help would be appreciated....


Thanks, JC

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How did you move the mechanical arms? What two buttons? :( I have broken the glass, pressed lots of buttons, but have been wandering around aimlessly for hours going up and down in the cold chamber room ........


Please help :)






edit: never mind - found out you have to climb it!

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