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going crazy


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right im on the level where i get told "keep the prisoners alive"

(where u get one of those 2 legged machines at the start) i go in the room next 2 me where i kill the 2 guys, activate the lift then travel up 2 where the prisoners are under fire. Problem is about 1 minute later it says "mission failed too many prisoners died" ffs what do i have 2 do i go as fast as i can!


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First thing you should do on this level is head into the command post on your left.


From there,


Kill the officer, hit the elevator switch.


Run outside, hop on the elevator.


Run into the command post on the upper level and kill that officer.


Go back outside, to your left, and hop in that mounted gun. Destroy the "big two legged thing" (AT-something), turn around and start picking off Storm Troopers.


That should get you to the next part atleast.


-) wh|stler

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Hrm, try loading from your checkpoint maybe? Did you mess around at all before you saved it? Then you keep reloading from that point perhaps?


I've had to do this 3-4 times and haven't had any hangups like what you're having.


-) wh|stler

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Originally posted by penno

right im on the level where i get told "keep the prisoners alive"

(where u get one of those 2 legged machines at the start) i go in the room next 2 me where i kill the 2 guys, activate the lift then travel up 2 where the prisoners are under fire. Problem is about 1 minute later it says "mission failed too many prisoners died" ffs what do i have 2 do i go as fast as i can!



It is a bit hard... use the emplaced gun to take out the stormtroopers and AT-STs as fast as possible.

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Wasn't quite that easy. What I needed to do is NOT shoot at the ATST in the valley that you are nearly facing when you sit in the gun. Instead, let it kick your ass from behing whilst killing everything in sight. Then, and only then, will the gun NOT run out of ammo when the ATST comes through the garage door. If I killed the ATST in the valley first (which seemed intuitive since it fires on you otherwise) I would always "run out of ammo" when the more important one came through the door.


This was Jedi Knight level. Hope you guys don't have as much trouble as me.

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