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Well, I finally got mine today. Thank goodness. It's pretty cool game, but the first few levels are really getting on my nerves with just the blaster and all. I'm trying to wait for the single player game to unvail the lightsaber, but I'm getting tired of the blaster. Also, I get sick after a I play for over a half an hour. There was a topic on this and I too get a headache and such after playing for a little while. Odd eh? Also, the game runs pretty good, but when I'm outdoors the frames rate becomes very horrible. Inside I'm always above 70 for the most part, but outside, jeez, like in the 20's. That's kind of dissappointing. I have a geforce 2 gtsv too, guess games just are getting more and more reliant on the best video cards. Well, I like the game, and can't wait to get the lightsaber. Good luck to all those who still haven't got it ^_^.

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is the shaking of the screen bad? i sometimes became sick after playing NOLF for a while. i hope JO is not that bad. i'm getting my copy tomorrow at EB. anyways, is the shaking bad in 3rd person mode, or just 1st person?


by the way, this is my first post!!!!

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Yeah, I turned that thing off and I still get sick. Man, I feel very fuzy after 15 minutes of gameplay. Wow, that's annoying. Also, I'm stuck on level two and have been wandering around endlessly and can't find where to go after taking out that chamber where all the vehicles drive into, help would be great. Wlecome to the forums JEDIcloud. To answer your question, I mainly have been playing in first person mostly, so maybe it is only then? All I can say though, is that I really feel dizzy and have a headache after just 15 mins of play. Now that I'm on the internet, it is starting to go away though. I never felt this way after playing quake 3. Hmm...

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Guest T16skyhopp

mi had my grandparents preorder it a while back for my birthday, march 27th. i asked them to ship it to my house casue i was going to see them on easter but the original release date was after that. well, they didnt... and now its out. i thought it would be out the 29th (last official in store date) so i sadi, ok, i just have to wait 2 days for it. i went to the mall on my bday with a friend and walked into stop and save games (owned by EB) and the guy there was nice so i figured id just make some conversation... "Jedi outcast comes out the 29th right?" he pointed... there they were stacked next to him... 2 days early. ouch... i looked at the box, expalined to him my situation and left with my head sunk low... easter sunday it will be mine... i want it now... ARGH!

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Wow, the game is a lot of fun. What do you mean by the shaking? That's wierd, i feel fine when I play. The wierd thing is i cant throw the lightsaber in MP. Maybe it's because I don't have it in SP? I dunno. Oh well. Happy b-day!

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