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Team FFA & Bots


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I've been messing around w/bots and team FFA a bit. Got a few questions for you people:


1) Has anybody else noticed that Lando rocks? He racks up the kills.


2) Do the bots play differently as part of a team? Or are they the same AI as a regular deathmatch, but smart enough not to fire on friends.


3) I setup the classic: me, luke, lando, and some mindless jedi against some bad dudes (Tavion stinks, btw). When we cycled to the next map, I suddenly had switched colors and was on the other team. more than that, it was a 5-3. Did I miss a switch?


Btw, this game rocks. I can't imagine anybody playing without level 3 jumping, though. Call me kangaroo-boy! :-)



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