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stuck at the end of prison level


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Ok i am gonna kill something about now. I am at the point where i have destroyed the ion cannons, killed the 3 robots that attack me, and the rescue ship landed for the prisoners. Jan says she willl land in the small canyon, but she doesn't. Do i have to wait or something? Or is this a bug, i have replayed the level several times to make sure all the robots were dead, and still nothing. thx in advance.

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She doesn't land in the canyon you were in, if you looked up when she said that, you could see her fly overhead and behind the installation you are at. Go back inside to the top level of the AT-ST bay and cross to the other side... you'll come out behind the installation where she is.

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Originally posted by Fission

Umm, what am I missing? I've killed the ion cannons too, and now the guy says he won't land because of the AT-ATs? A hint, please?


Then destroy the AT-ST walking around in the canyon. There should be 3 AT-STs you come across in the course of the level, you have to destroy them all.

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Fission and I seem to be having the same problem with a disappearing AT-ST.


I had lead the last AT-ST back towards the starting area in hopes of blasting it with the cannon. But when I got to the top by the area next to the slaves, the thing had disappeared. The door accross the bay is locked still after I've destroyed all the ion cannons...but no more ATs are out and about. I can walk around the cannon all I want and nothing is out there.

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