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Prison level


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I'm stuck and its frustrating me. I've destroyed the ion cannons and then some guy tells me to destroy the AT-ST's and then they will land. But there are no AT-ST's running around. There are six of them inside of this hangar. I've killed two AT-ST's with the turret guns. Did some magically disappear?

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Originally posted by MrMittenZ

I'm stuck and its frustrating me. I've destroyed the ion cannons and then some guy tells me to destroy the AT-ST's and then they will land. But there are no AT-ST's running around. There are six of them inside of this hangar. I've killed two AT-ST's with the turret guns. Did some magically disappear?


You should have come across 3 active AT-STs over the course of the level. Did you destroy all three?

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Well then. That would explain it. I destroyed two, and a third one appeared and I fled like the coward I am. The troppers followed me and I dispatched them. And went back to see if the AT-ST was following me and it wasn't. It was gone. Must be the force at work.


Guess I'll have to re-do the level.


EDIT: Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.

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