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Help on Jedi temple (spoilers)


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Im on the last level (i think).Its the level after you get into the academy and start helping the jedi and start to kick sith butt.


Anyway, Im in a tempel , searching for desann, and i´ve gotten through a couple of obsatcles. Now, heres my delemma. I come to a room with 3 hallways. One leads to a pit, another has a mirror wall, and the last has a fire, and beyond the fire is a hole in the floor. In the hole, there are 4 walls around you. Three of them has the force push sign. Heres where im stuck. I´ve tried pushing them, but after they stop moving, there is no new opening. Any help would be vastly recommended.

Thanks in advance

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Originally posted by Snatchbox

once you force push those walls, move forward and look at the walls, theres another button you need to force push.


ahum....maybe I'm a dumbass but: Where's that button then? I pushed them all three and examined the walls carefully, but I can't seem to find this button...


Could someone please help me?

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update: on the main page there's a link to an JO FAQ that tells you have to solve it, havent tried it yet but it says to flip the ones on the wall and then you have to line up the ones on the with the wall symbol for that row in the CENTER......er.....in other words line in the one on the floor in the center with the one on the wall in that row..........lol man this puzzle has been just a *bit* frustrating but I hope at last the solution has been found

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update: on the main page there's a link to an JO FAQ that tells you have to solve it, havent tried it yet but it says to flip the ones on the wall and then you have to line up the ones on the with the wall symbol for that row in the CENTER......er.....in other words line in the one on the floor in the center with the one on the wall in that row..........lol man this puzzle has been just a *bit* frustrating but I hope at last the solution has been found


You know what would be nice? If you could learn English.

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