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To The Harsh Reviewers Out There...


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This game is the sequel to a game which most reviewers have never even played. What the reviewers don't realize is that people would still be playing JK if the graphics engine was updated. It was a really awesome game. It wasn't UT or Half Life, it was its own type of game.


Most people who were into JK or MotS see JK2 as an extension of the previous series (I've been waiting about 5 years for it). Others think it is this brand new game designed by "George Lucas!" which will be the greatest thing to happen to FPS games. It's not meant to be the next UT or even Quake for that matter.


It's Jedi Knight.


To the serious reviewers out there:

Please spend the time to understand what this game is all about before you go making your quick judements & complaints. It has a legacy, so please respect it.



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Hey I am a reviewer from Alloutgames.com.. I am currently stuck though. :p


Anyway I used to play the first game a lot and it was great. I am enjoying this one too, though am not having fun being stuck so early in the game at the mining complex. :p

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Originally posted by Pugnate

Hey I am a reviewer from Alloutgames.com.. I am currently stuck though. :p


Anyway I used to play the first game a lot and it was great. I am enjoying this one too, though am not having fun being stuck so early in the game at the mining complex. :p

Use the force. Trust your instincts.


Monkey dance!!!

:monkey4: :monkey4: :monkey4: :monkey4: :monkey4: :monkey4: :monkey4:

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This game looks like a 90% at least.. that's the score I am going to give it and this is after taking part in the outstanding and innovative multiplayer and having a look at the for the most part, decent AI. (Decent after playing MOH:AA and Renegade)


Actually the AI is quite good and impressive.

Anyway I am enjoying this one immensely.

Is there a way to edit the bots BTW? I don't like Luke having a blue saber.

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