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Artus detention level, how to get to base commander?


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I've exhausted so many options in this its not funny. I've run (as best as I can, heh) all around the map as best as I can tell, I've gone down the air shaft, through the crystal area with those stupid little critters (yeah, doing that on 3 health was fun, after the jump down the shaft :) ), and all those doors in there are red, as I can't open them.


Did I miss anything in the TIE Fighter Hangar at any point? I went through the door to the area where you can see through the window but that window reflects laser shots, any ideas?

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Originally posted by theBigGiantEvan

yeah..i'm stuck here too..

heck..i can't even get down the shaft...how do ya/ are ya even supposed to do it?

what am i supposed to do..i just don't see anywheres to go.

but down..and that keeps killing me

any suggestions?


Dont know if you're supposed to do it, but I did it. Stocked up on all the bacta canisters, and jumped from ledge to ledge, healing myself when needed. made it down with 3 health to spare, then had to run through all those stupid critters :D

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Originally posted by theBigGiantEvan


that's what i have been trying..but i can't aim the jumps right.

like i spent the longest time..trying to JUMP on the freaking flying cart thing..instead of destroying the stuff in the red room..


i guess i will get back iat it later tonight..lol


Hey Evan,


I don't think you actually need to jump. I think you can just walk off each one on to the following step.


Hope that helps,


-) wh|stler

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