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JO hidden movelist/combos


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I apologise if this has been posted before, but I was trying to find the other thread where this was discussed, to no avail. Oh well, here goes.



none found yet



none (edited out the previous special, which was in the manual :rolleyes: )



Long Chop to kneel (Thanks to Baleine): Overhead chop, or Heavy special, then Perform heavy special again. Should perform a second chop that follows through into a kneel (saber goes into the ground). Very powerful move.


Other misc. Moves:

Kick Run: Perform a wall run off an enemy. Little damage, will sometimes knock the opponent over; Can come in handy when fighting multiple opponents or getting a brief advantage over your current one.


NOTE: Any move contributions by other players are more than welcome, and they'll be credited for it.

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here are some spin moves:


light- hold back + attack1 + left or right will give you an infinate diaganal spin


medium - hold back and attack 1, hold left or right after you swing and you will do a 180, its possible to spin continuously

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Tigzy, i think you mean me about the heavy stance jump move :D If this bealial guy really exsists though, then no problem hehe. I just know i posted the demo for that move in the other thread, which i also cant find.. damn this board goes fast.


In any event though, heres the link to the demo again: http://pages.infinit.net/blackx/heavyjumpslash.dm_15


I haven't found any other moves yet. There are some obvious combos but nothing mind breaking.

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Originally posted by Baleine

Tigzy, i think you mean me about the heavy stance jump move :D If this bealial guy really exsists though, then no problem hehe. I just know i posted the demo for that move in the other thread, which i also cant find.. damn this board goes fast.


In any event though, heres the link to the demo again: http://pages.infinit.net/blackx/heavyjumpslash.dm_15


I haven't found any other moves yet. There are some obvious combos but nothing mind breaking.


lol, sorry, I forgot your name so I tried to remember it :)


Yeah, that move is great. I tried hitting some people today with it, but with little avail.


Have you tried to see if you can do the medium one I posted up there? I've been doing it throughout today - it's a pretty fancy move. Also does a nice bit of damage if both blows connect.

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To be more precise, you must make a subdirectory /gamedata/base/demos/ and place the demo in there. Once that's done, you start up the multiplayer version, and the 'Play Demo' option is there, you should see the demo on the list of available ones to play.

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There was one move I pulled off while fighting Dessan's apprentice where you flip over the top of them and hit them with your saber and land facing them too (darth maul anyone?). Anyway, I just ran up to her and did the regular jump (non-force jump) and hit the attack button right after it. Im not sure if it works in multiplayer, but I heard it did. Anyway, I didnt really try to do this move a whole lot but it didtn seem to give me any trouble when i tried it.

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