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crash course in .cfg's


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On another forum, I was told that the controls can be switched between players on the same system, it just involves something with the extension of .cfg. Anybody care to enlighten me as to what a .cfg file is, where it is, and what I can do with them (aside from changing the controls).



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Ok.. I was all intimidated due to not having heard of .cfg files before, but I loaded it as a txt in notepad and see it's basically an ini file. Ok.. so I just make copies into another directory and replace them when another player wants to use a different setup? Seems like a pain in the ass to manually go in before every session to move around files.

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If you want to bind certain commands or scripts to a keyboard button, you create or modify the autoexec.cfg file. This needs to be located in the /Base folder. The above is correct, you can bring up the console and load it manually, but you will find that certains configurations and scripts will be must haves, and you will want them loaded by default. This is usefull to change your names and taunts for example.


On the dedicated server side, people create a dedicated.cfg file that holds server info, bot info, map rotation and game types. This gets much more complicated and I'm still trying to get it straight for JKO.

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I don't think you want to mess around with that file. If you notice, it contains non standard ASCI charators and it appears to be built by JKO everytime you make changes to your config and run the game.


No, a cleaner and better way is to create an autoexec.cfg file in your Base folder. This file is loaded everytime you start the game and actually creates the file you mention with the new values. The Autoexec.cfg is a straight forward text document that you can view and modify...let my paste in mine from EF. I haven't fully tested this yet, but I did test the screenshots and demo recording binds, and they work fine. I left in the photon jump script so you can see how you can bind differnt actions to one key.



//admin stuff

bind p "vstr p0"

bind PAUSE "vstr pause"

set p1 "rcon g_speed 0; say GAME PAUSED; set pause vstr p0"

set p0 "rcon g_speed 275; say GAME UNPAUSED; set pause vstr p1"


seta rconpassword "wouldn't you like to know! :) "


//Default Password

set password "somepassword"


set cg_brassTime "0"

set cg_drawStatus "1"

set cg_draw3dIcons "0"

set cg_drawAmmoWarning "0"

set cg_drawgun "0"

set cg_drawRewards "0"

set cg_drawTimer "0"

set cg_gibs "0"

set cg_shadows "0"

set cl_run "1"

set r_dynamiclight "0"

set r_fastsky "0"

set r_lodbias "2"

set r_stencilbits "4"

set r_subdivisions "500"

set s_mixahead "0.14"

set cg_drawfps "1"

set cg_drawTimer "1"

set com_hunkMegs "96"



bind f3 say_team ^1"INCOMING HIGH"

bind f4 say_team ^1"INCOMING LOW"

bind f5 say_team ^1"ATTACK HIGH"

bind f6 say_team ^1"ATTACK LOW"

bind f7 say_team ^1"GET THEIR SNIPER! Need Sniper"


bind F11 screenshot


bind o name ^4[TE]^1TommyBoy^4[OO]

bind k name ^2[OO]^4DarthHamster[TE]

bind j name ^2[OO]^4TommyBoy[TE]

bind p name ^4[TE]^1DarthBob



//Photon Jump

set In_mouse -1

cl_pitchspeed 9999

bind b "+lookdown;wait;wait;+attack;+moveup;wait;wait;-attack;wait;-moveup;wait;-lookdown;wait;wait;wait;centerview"


//Record demo - Press F12

set record1 "g_synchronousclients 1; record; g_synchronousclients 0; echo Recording Started; bind f12 vstr record0"

set record0 "stoprecord; echo Recording Stopped; g_synchronousclients 0; bind f12 vstr record1"

bind f12 "vstr record1"


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Originally posted by [TE]DarthBob

I don't think you want to mess around with that file. If you notice, it contains non standard ASCI charators and it appears to be built by JKO everytime you make changes to your config and run the game.


No, a cleaner and better way is to create an autoexec.cfg file in your Base folder. This file is loaded everytime you start the game and actually creates the file you mention with the new values. The Autoexec.cfg is a straight forward text document that you can view and modify...let my paste in mine from EF. I haven't fully tested this yet, but I did test the screenshots and demo recording binds, and they work fine. I left in the photon jump script so you can see how you can bind differnt actions to one key.



//admin stuff

bind p "vstr p0"

bind PAUSE "vstr pause"

set p1 "rcon g_speed 0; say GAME PAUSED; set pause vstr p0"

set p0 "rcon g_speed 275; say GAME UNPAUSED; set pause vstr p1"


seta rconpassword "wouldn't you like to know! :) "


//Default Password

set password "somepassword"


set cg_brassTime "0"

set cg_drawStatus "1"

set cg_draw3dIcons "0"

set cg_drawAmmoWarning "0"

set cg_drawgun "0"

set cg_drawRewards "0"

set cg_drawTimer "0"

set cg_gibs "0"

set cg_shadows "0"

set cl_run "1"

set r_dynamiclight "0"

set r_fastsky "0"

set r_lodbias "2"

set r_stencilbits "4"

set r_subdivisions "500"

set s_mixahead "0.14"

set cg_drawfps "1"

set cg_drawTimer "1"

set com_hunkMegs "96"



bind f3 say_team ^1"INCOMING HIGH"

bind f4 say_team ^1"INCOMING LOW"

bind f5 say_team ^1"ATTACK HIGH"

bind f6 say_team ^1"ATTACK LOW"

bind f7 say_team ^1"GET THEIR SNIPER! Need Sniper"


bind F11 screenshot


bind o name ^4[TE]^1TommyBoy^4[OO]

bind k name ^2[OO]^4DarthHamster[TE]

bind j name ^2[OO]^4TommyBoy[TE]

bind p name ^4[TE]^1DarthBob



//Photon Jump

set In_mouse -1

cl_pitchspeed 9999

bind b "+lookdown;wait;wait;+attack;+moveup;wait;wait;-attack;wait;-moveup;wait;-lookdown;wait;wait;wait;centerview"


//Record demo - Press F12

set record1 "g_synchronousclients 1; record; g_synchronousclients 0; echo Recording Started; bind f12 vstr record0"


set record0 "stoprecord; echo Recording Stopped; g_synchronousclients 0; bind f12 vstr record1"

bind f12 "vstr record1"




mmm...rocket juumpp...


ill use that record thank you :D

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