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Weapon/Force Toggle Script


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I've got a weapon and force bind script that will allow you to switch between paired weapons with the push of a button, allowing you to use keys 1-6 for every weapon in the game, plus a force toggle button to switch between Light and Dark. Just hit F1 and all the keys are rebound instantly. There's also a pair of help binds, that will show what the force powers and weapons are bound to. The config also has all the rest of the binds in the game, if you feel the need to modify them.


Who should I contact at jk2.net to distribute this file?


I've been using it in multiplayer, and it is vastly, vastly superior to cycling through powers or weapons. The advantage in speed is the difference between life or death, as you should well know ;)


I'm considering doing a Saber Combo script to let you do basic moves with the press of a button, allowing for easier chains with medium, and more precise moves while still retaining control of your physical movement.


Also, assuming Raven doesn't share it, I'll put up at least a basic primer on how the force powers interact, which should be useful for the non JK1 fiends out there.


(btw, anyone know what to do about the ads on here? as I'm typing this, they are actually covering up the text, so blame any typos on that :p)



Team Reactive

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Sounds very cool man. I've been messing with the CFG file and trying to figure out if you can quickly switch your force power distributions around in multiplayer. Can seem to get it to work though. Please post your scripts in this post. Everyone would appreciate it.



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I'd be averse to people using lightsaber macros in games. If someone managed to keep their cool and pull off the timing in the middle of a fight to kill everything around them, great. If they push the 'kill everything around me' button and do it automatically, that's just cheap. Easier weapon management would be cool, however, I'd often find myself mashing buttons in the general 7-0 area until the right weapon appeared rather than take the time to look away from the screen to find the right one.

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I have to agree that there is a fine line when it comes to these scripts. Toggling between Force/Weapons groups is fine. Allowing people to evade the skill required in chaining moves together to peform combos, is definetly a no-no. It ruins an important part of the game IMO.


Also, I'll be happy to put up the force/weapon change script on my webspace @ roxorz.net if you want. Just email it to me (hobo@roxorz.net.)






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You can't do a canned 'combo' script, I'm talking about a 'moves' script, ie, you push a button, it does the back-right swing. You'd still have to push the buttons at the right time to do a combo (which isn't but so important anyway, and mostly only relevant for medium style). The main point is to allow you to use the move where you want, when you want - I wouldn't be adverse to just pushing the buttons, its actually pretty responsive, but there are two problems with it. Lag, and movement. By having buttons bound, you can move around normally, but use swings that would move you away from your target.


A timed script wouldn't be possible anyway, as the combos are based on distinct framerate timings, which can easily be thrown off by video or connection lag. Simple ones like the 'special' moves might be possible though, dunno.


Anyway, it'd take up too many keys to have them all bound, so it'd be a novelty, or something you could swap in place of your force keys or something. Probably good for pure saber dueling though.


I mailed one of the news guys from a link on the main page, so mebbe they'll put it up.

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Uhh, Vic, can you just post the scripts in there? Just copy paste. And what you guys are saying about scripts to do special moves and stuff. I totally agree with you. But what I'm looking for is the script syntax to be able to redistribute your force points differently. Like lets say that I have a certain dark side setup I use a lot and a certain light side. I am playing light side but then I die, and before respawning I want to come back with dark powers. Instead of pressing esc and going and clicking all the points around, I'd like to just click a single keyboard button and have it load up automatically. That is what I am looking for. So, Vic, if you could just paste your scripts in here that would be cool. I'm not patient enough to wait for the news guys to do updates :)



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You can bind the mousewheel to do anything in your options. There are two commands to change your force selection (prev or next). Just click one and then roll your mousewheel and it will rebind it.



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Vic and all...


Dang -- I just spent a few hours doing just what Vic has. I shoulda just checked here first and waited for him to upload.


Here's my simple script for switching dark/light power keys. I'm no quake alias whiz, so it may not be too eligant -- but it seems to work:



// create or add to your autoexec.cfg

// DARK:

set dark "bind v +force_grip; bind c +force_drain; bind f +force_lightning; bind r force_rage; echo ^1DARK ^1KEYBOARD ^1SET^7"


set light "bind v force_absorb; bind c force_heal; bind f force_protect; bind r force_distract; echo ^5LIGHT ^5KEYBOARD ^5SET^7"


bind kp_plus "vstr light"

bind kp_minus "vstr dark"



Change to your own keys, of course. It even has pretty colors.


I'm heading off to the mod forum to ask if anyone clever can come up with a TEAM DUELING mod. Like WWF!



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