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Artus Prime, Part 3, Need Help (spoilers I think)


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Well, I just finished the detention center area, hopped out that tube and the next part begins. I see an AT-ST walking around, I have 2 objectives. The first thing I did was run to the room on the left, hit the switch and killed the two guards. Now I'm stuck, what do I do? I can't seem to kill that AT-ST, and there is nowhere to go.

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That switch in the command post drops down a fairly big elevator outside, to the left. Hop on it.


On the top, kill whomever is in the command post up there, run back out and hop on the mounted gun to take out the AT-ST. Turn around and help the colonists while you're there.


-) wh|stler

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Originally posted by pinkpanther718

Ok, I for ro qhwew JN Aya ro swareoy the Ion Cannons, but I don't know how. THeres one up top there, that I can go into and get a suplly box, but how do I destroy the gun?


Hehe, you're sounding like a garbled radio transmition.


After you've helped the colonists, run to the other end of the canyon/valley. Once you see the AT-ST you can either run by it or you can run all the way back to the mounted gun you used the first time and wait for him. Believe it or not, I think running back is the better solution.


Anyway, once the second AT-ST is out of the way, there's an elevator on that end of the canyon. Inside one of the buildings up there you'll take an elevator down to an AT-ST "shelter" and a few other things. The switch you find there turns off the force fields on the ion cannons. Go back up and use the mounted guns to take them out.


You should beable to take it from there. A little advice for what's to come though, when Jan says that she's landed, don't go back down into the canyon. Once the Ion cannons are destroyed, a locked door becomes unlocked down near the AT-ST storage place, go that way instead.


Good luck,


-) wh|stler

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