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Stuck on NS_Streets


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Okay, Im on top of a balcony looking at a bunch of blue lights, below me is a building with a broken bridge that leads to another building, the door is locked and if you go around there is another bridge but it is too far out to make the jump. I have no clue where to go and i have just spent the last hour trying to figure it out. :confused:

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Either your generalizations just described about ten different stages on N.S., or they're all starting to melt together in my head. :)


Is the broken bridge that you can't make it across from an island to another building? At one point in the streets there's a bridge that gets blown up to the island, then on the other side there's a (as you mentioned) broken bridge. Does this sound familiar?


If so, it should help that you need to get into that building. I'll also mention that there's a glass roof. See if you can take it from there. :)


-) wh|stler

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Alright, i'm also stuck on the Nar Shaddaa streets. I am at the point where there is one of those Thermo Lobbing guys on a bridge, killing him blows up the bridge. I can jump across, but there isn't any where else to go that i can see. I have jumped down (very far down) onto what looks like stairs, but the door doesn't open. I can also run around the corner and there are 2 or 3 paths connected the 2 buildings but those doors do not open either. What am i missing?



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Originally posted by Arawyn

Alright, i'm also stuck on the Nar Shaddaa streets. I am at the point where there is one of those Thermo Lobbing guys on a bridge, killing him blows up the bridge. I can jump across, but there isn't any where else to go that i can see. I have jumped down (very far down) onto what looks like stairs, but the door doesn't open. I can also run around the corner and there are 2 or 3 paths connected the 2 buildings but those doors do not open either. What am i missing?




Is it the glass bridge? (Glass on all four sides?)


And in the following room is there some electrified water?


-) wh|stler

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It's not the glass bridge and neither is it the bridge to the house with a glassroof, I'm stuck here too, I cant figure out what to do at all... i even cheated and used noclip for an hour going around looking for possible doors I missed or so.. I could not find anything, right now as far as i know i need to reroute the garbage disposalships because the way it goes now it goes through a forcefield... Help :\

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What you have to do is backtrack to the point where you were in the room that had the 3 skylights on top. There is a row of windows on the outside, if you are in the room looking out you must shoot out the rightmost window. From there you can jump to another building, then onto the hovercar that had some guys in it.

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NS Streets is an absolute ***** of a map (I think this map is too hard). It's hard to describe, but basically you have to make your way down to the glass bridge at the opposite end of the map, cross it, jump down on one of the construction looking arms-now the impossibly hard part-jump over to the other one and than into the garbage bucket on the wall. I must have jumped 50 times AT LEAST to get onto that other arm (it's so stupid, come on Raven, a challenge is one thing but that was ridiculous). You can firgure the rest out from there, but make sure you quick save soon as you get into that garbage bucket.

Everyhting else on the map seem's, real hard at first, but take your time with the binocs loooking everything over real careful. If anything looks like it can be broken, shoot it. :)

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you don't need to jump to the other arm you need to use force pull on the other arm and then jusp to it


but then i jumped in the garbage can and i feld down and now i am on some balcony and i can't get away from it :( I am hoping I don't have to do this level all over again

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To rerout the trash dumper you need to force push the blinking butons every time the dumper stops then it will keep going to the hideout, btw anyone else stuck in reebos hideout at the door with the jabbas palace droid eye doorkeeper??? if anyone managed to finnish that mission pls post about how to get passed the keeper pls.

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I've done this level 3 times. I accidently quick saved while I was falling to my doom :(


However I now can get to 5 of the 6 secrets in the level but I think the 6th secret, the one where you jump into the open vent while on the trash bin, is impossible to get to.


As for Arawyn's inquiry. I know where you are talking about. In fact there's a secret just across the broken bridge. Jump to the steep canopy on the left, and then jump up to the catwalk for one one the secrets. This is the highest point of the map you can reach. However, this does lead to no where. Follow ddjkdg's instructions and you have no problems


The funny thing about the swinging arms, is that I made the jump to the second arm the first time no problem. Jump from the hinge to the other hinge. As I was on the second arm, I've notice the force hud cue which then turned the arm closer to the first. It is a very difficult jump however without the force pull.

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Okay, Im stuck in this area too.. Except on that island thing. The one were the first bridge blows up and the one on the other side is too far. The roof is made of glass.. so i tried jumping from a balcony onto the roof. But I always die.. how do u get ontop of it?

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Okay i figured it out. To get into the building with a glass top u have to jump on one of the things sticking out from the doorway. Its tricky so save it right before you try to jump. Then jump onto the roof go in the building, hit the button and the bridge extends to cross it. :D

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:confused: erm....its 3:30am and if i miss that bloody hoover thang one more time i'm gonna cry - ive gone in the room with the three skylights....have stepped to the next building, but miss the hoovercraft everytime - am i in the right place - there are posts in the way - but i can't jump onto the next building either 'cos i miss.....so where *exactly* di i need to jump from in order to land on the craft.please,please help - am going crazy.....:freakout:
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ugh.. this level is ridiculous.. I've gotten stuck a few other times on levels.. just because it's not too clear about what I need to do, or where I need to do it, but this is a whole new ballgame.


I've spent HOURS playing on this one. I've killed the guy who blows up the bridge, walked around there, picked off the sniper guys, gone through that glass bridge thing, turned off the electricity in the water.. and everything that I've seen that I can jump to, I've jumped to it. I read this thread a hundred times, and I'm still not sure how exactly I'm supposed to get to those crane arm dealies. I see them, and I see the garbage scow thing, but I absolutely cannot imagine how to get to them. If anyone can lend a hand here, it'd be really appreciated. Just assume I'm a total moron and spell it all out superclearly.


Thanks a lot..

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I don't know if this is any help to you but you jump down onto the "crane arm dealies" from above. accross the glass bridge... pull the ledge out above the electified water... jump up onto next level from bridge... push button by droid... jump down onto first arm... pull second arm... jump accross... jump in trash bin...




Originally posted by LimeKoolAide

ugh.. this level is ridiculous.. I've gotten stuck a few other times on levels.. just because it's not too clear about what I need to do, or where I need to do it, but this is a whole new ballgame.


I've spent HOURS playing on this one. I've killed the guy who blows up the bridge, walked around there, picked off the sniper guys, gone through that glass bridge thing, turned off the electricity in the water.. and everything that I've seen that I can jump to, I've jumped to it. I read this thread a hundred times, and I'm still not sure how exactly I'm supposed to get to those crane arm dealies. I see them, and I see the garbage scow thing, but I absolutely cannot imagine how to get to them. If anyone can lend a hand here, it'd be really appreciated. Just assume I'm a total moron and spell it all out superclearly.


Thanks a lot..

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Once you get across the glass bridge, throw your lightsaber at the barrel in the corner of the room to blow open a hole, then switch to a gun or better yet use a grenade to blow up the electrified pipe in the room. i found it hard to hit with the saber and spent an hour looking for another way cause i though it was indestructable.

Then you can get into the water and pull the platform so you can jump out of the room.

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ugh.. this level is ridiculous.. I've gotten stuck a few other times on levels.. just because it's not too clear about what I need to do, or where I need to do it, but this is a whole new ballgame.


I agree this level is very annoying not just the complexity of the route but even though this is your first saber mission, its pretty useless against anyone but the guys with wookie bows, thermo detonators kill you and the snipers use an unblockable weapon with one hit kill. I would have preffered more blasters (because face it even though it was not the ideal weapon most of us weren't putting that lightsaber away now we'd finally got it) to get accustomed to blocking

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