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need filter in MP (block out password servers, etc)


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we need a filter in MP..or if there is one there im blind..


i know i can filter out full/empty servers..but there needs to be way to filter out other settings.


the main one...passworded servers...please for the love of god let me filter them out..i just wanna play without joining/unjoining servers till i find one.


i know i can look up server info..but its time consuming to do it for every server..a filter would be so much better.


any one know a way around this.


great game though..just want a filter and my mouse wheel to work (logitech wheel mouse,,current driver..so dont know whats up)....



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i have a logitech dual optical mouse (oh how i love it so), this is my third logitech mouse and i have found that the drivers windows has standard work better then anything logitech writes. and the wheel always works =) kthxbye

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Password filter and mouse wheel support would be great. I hate joining a server only to see that it's password protected, but having to manually press ESC to back out. It could at least dump back to the server list and show a pop-up. Even better, show a pop up prompting for a password at the server list screen.

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