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stuck: Cairn Dock1


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Pretty far into it i can't seem to get past one room undetected, it has 2 storm troopers, 4 officers in it, and 1 officer behind unbreakable glass with his finger on the button. I've tried using the Mind Trick(it's only at level 2 at this point) , but somebody always seems to spot me and i'm forced to watch that scripted sequence i've seen many many times now :p Any help is appreciated.

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I got it on my second try from the widow ledge. Turn off the lefts then procedd to the left. Cast the mind trick on the trio closest to you, then just force jump as far as you can towards the door and you should lasd right in front of it and be able to run out endeteced, get ready to saber a couple of officers on the other side though ;)



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