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Some suggestion for mp and general


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Hello everbody,



Well first thanks to dev for a real good SW game. Nice job guys.


Second I start bi#ching :) I think in most thing game is perfectly done for sp , but there are imho some major flaws in MP :


1) Duel . The duel itself is imho the best multiplayer variety but implementation of queue imho is awfull .It just purely sucks.7 ppl out of 8 in queue could wait theirs turn almost for an hour(literally -I "enjoyed" that experience in a first day). Especially if there is a lot hit_run_use_heal_just_enjoy_staring_each_other tactic users ( I am kind of that myself :).Imho they should add an "olympic tournament" variety where in first round all ppl fight ,then the winners fight again and it the end 2 last man standing . This will get "in queue" time to 3 rounds at worst for 16 players in game. Instead of 14 now. I can hear that maps are too small for this amount of ppl .But I think it should be kinda perfect for <=8 ppl (which is imho optimal for a duel) .Just add more spawn points ,adjust the code a little and thats it - we have much more interesting duels for all.


2) Well I just didnt like other mp modes (except CTF which is bearable and jedi master) .Maybe that is because I am spoiled by CS and dont' like nor UTish nor Q'ish meat grinder style gameplay.Imho it really boring just running around and killing anything you see . Maps are made toward that and I think some maps with key points (like turrets, bombsi.... ups forcesites (when you should hang on for aquirng critical for winning amount of force -just stupid idea ,any better?? ),some different tasks,more ... ..well you know some different gamepay style .well it just a fantasy ,game is out and I really dont think devs gonna change anything in it .So I am just imaging .


3) No dismemberment in mp . I heard that you could turn it off by chaging g_dismember to 1 on a server ,and cg_dismemberment to 1 on a client side .But it didn't work when I tried to run server with bots at home .And I havent see it it worked on any server I played. I really want it .Imho it will add much flavour to mp duels and combat . I know about that teen_rating_sell_more publisher requirement but if we have it in sp,why not allow it mp?

and it could be done on client side only in order to not overburden net traffic with useless inf (as well as I would like to see a switch to have more decals ( blaster shots, sabre marks etc.)


4) visible hits with sabre .Roaring in pain is not enough(I almost never notice it in mp grinder) . I just cannot tell if I hit or not.Blood and/or sparks -anything visible .


5)Possiblity to change crosshair color - barely seen(or invisible in many circumstances) grey is imho annoying omission.


p.s. This is my first msg so please dont judge me hard.


p.p.s.As you obviously noticed there are many mistakes in my post (cause English is not even a second language for me :) so I will really apreciate if someone native speaker could correct my mistakes and e-mail em to me .

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