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AAH! Cant find the Doomgiver ship.


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Hey everyone, this might be really simple and I know I'll kick myself afterwards BUT...I'll ask anyway.


I have landed at that place after the Bespin levels, killed some guys, fought with Luke, etc etc. Then I escaped from the Hangerbay and i have "Find The Doombringer" in my objectives. I look around, and I have found a place with lots of elevator shafts that I have been exploring going up some, down others, and jumping accross a large gap into another set of shafts. This is where I'm stuck...I DONT KNOW WHERE TO GO FROM THERE!!:(

Could someone PLEEEEAAASE give me some help!!?? Im destperate:)


Thanks in advance guys!

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have some got past mind controlling after the elevators...




dont now what to do next.. gone up and look upon the next rom with swich... gone down in the big rom where som thing is reparing someting....



help... first time iam stuck cant beliv it that i have to ask for help...



and a ? are any using any guns... i mean all i awer do is yousing my light saber.... great :cool:


never mind i foud it out my self agin... :D

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