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How does force pull work?


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I've been trying out each of the different force powers on some bots to get used to what each does well. I know how to perform force pull, but every time I do it I'm pulling the whole bot and not just his weapon.


I can't imagine why I would want to pull someone across the arena and let them keep their guns....I've tried everything to try a focus on the gun and not the person, but nothing seems to prevent me from always pulling the bot!


I even tried putting it on 2nd level instead of 3rd thinking it wouldn't be powerful enough to pull the person, but it did...and the weapon stays firmly in their hand!


anyone have any idea how to just pull the weapon?

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Pull 1, perhaps? Anyway, force pull has two main uses:


Pulling an opponent across a gap from you INTO the gap.


Pulling an opponent towards you (that may be retreating or trying to run away).


It can also break force grip.

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A very hilarious use i've found for force pull is on maps with a lot of pits and such where people try to force grip level 3 you into holes. When you're behing held above the hole, just as they drop you, you pull them in with you LOL


I'm sorry but even though you still end up dying, bringing them with you is worth it :D


As for pulling guns, i've found that you sometimes need to pull several times before the gun comes loose, but it does work. They made it work this way i think, because they dont want force pull to work like in single player where you can disarm a whole room full of enemies in one shot, every shot.

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