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pls help me get lightsaber before i go insane! ;( (HOPEFULLY HUGE SPOILER)


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I'm going crazy trying to get the lightsaber.

I do the first two trials, then pick up speed force. Now if I go down and try to get the saber out the cage there is nothing for me to pull (just an empty cage), so I'm assuming I have to get the jump force before i can grab the saber. BUT the only way to the jump force I've found is through the chamber with the cage. And once I've been through there the first time, the cage seems to be gone (all I see when i run to the room is the pillar).


Can anyone help me? I'm going crazy here. And please feel free to explain properly instead of dropping small hints as to what I have to do. ;)

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Opposite the cage there is a block that if you stand on it causes the cage to lift. Stand on it and then use force speed to run towards the sabre and force pull to grab it before the cage comes back down again. :)


edit: Oh right, well you should have force jump before you even reach the cage with the saber. I'll just go and check where it is :)

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OK. go past the room with the cage into the next room and get the force jump. Then carr on back in to the main room. Climp the rubble on you right using force jump and go into the door above the one you just came out of.

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Well, Ithink "dmyr" isn't at the lightsaber jet...

After you get Force Speed, and you go through al the doors, you can see the cage with the saber, but there's no way in hell your gonna catch it.

Just move along, till you get in some kind of courtyard, and this is where the spoiler begins,









still with me? Alright, look behind you and jump to the floor. (Use the broken pilars leaning against the wall) Go thourgh the door, till you get above the room where you first saw the lightsaber, you'll know it's THE room cause theirs a huge pilar in the middle with a wihte cage ontop. From hereon, I suggest you read the post above

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