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Cool stuff for multiplayer


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You can force push out of a Saber Lock


You can force push out of Grip


You can 'wall run' off someone, kicking them and knocking them down


You can knock people over with push or pull, then cut them apart with a saber


Using push and pull aggressively is quite effective, and not just around pits or to yank weapons.


Remember to use pull to grab weapons from people, and push to throw back ANY projectile. Most useful against thrown explosives and rockets, but it can stop pretty much anything.


You can use seeing to overcome mind trick, and dodge Disruptor fire. The advance warning of enemies through walls is a VERY powerful tool in the hands of a skilled player.


Speed and jump are great, but not on all levels... just most of them ;)


You can use absorb to stop any other force power, even after its started if you hit it fast enough.


Rage will drain your hp, reduce damage you take, and haste you - not just your saber, all weapons. Beware the cooldown however, you are equally slow once it wears off.


Grip can be 'held' to lock a target, you don't need to aim and push.


Remember that while you're using a power, you can't use your saber or gun, rendering you vulnerable. Remember also that most powers have an activation and cooldown time, compensate accordingly.


Use the alt-fire on the Repeater and the Flechette Cannon to deal with enthusiastic Saber users - explosives work too. If they're pull happy, use absorb. If they're push happy, drain them.


Absorb is the best defensive force in the game, and Drain, while not quite as completely nullifying, has the advantage of healing you.


Use guns to kill people. You will kill faster than saber users, period. Use force powers and the saber to augment your gun usage. People who use only guns, or only saber and force are far weaker than a person who uses all three. Far, FAR weaker.


Remember to use the Saber defensively, retreating backwards. This is particularly important in CTF, or score-concious TDM.


Mind Trick will fade if you attack, and smart players will listen for your footsteps. Turn off your saber, and walk if you need to. A killing blow is possible if they are caught completely unaware. Use it to get past defenders, or to reach a particularly important part of the level.


Use your inventory items. Bacta tanks, forcefields, sentry cannons, and the seeker drone are all very important. The forcefield has tremendous strength in ctf.


Heal and Protect are strong, but they don't save you when you take a killing blow.


Lightning won't do as much damage as a strong gun, but it is an excellent tool when you have no guns.

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