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Thought I was buying an FPS....


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With that it mind, this puzzle baloney is the only regret I have in buying this game. Because of the puzzles...and I HATE puzzle games, JKII will probably be relegated to the shelf for "occassional" play. Where as games like MOH were played through from start to finish and I still play again and again. I LOVE the graphics and the light saber duels...but, since it seems to be more of a graphical/action/puzzle game with a VERY HEAVY orientation towards the puzzle aspect, I can't see it winning GOTY for 2002 when it is going to be catagorized with other FPS games that don't frustrate users so much with the puzzles. If I wanted a "puzzle" type game I would have purchased Bejweled or one of the Who Wants to be a Millionaire games...



I know the gang at Raven put in a LOT of time and hard work on this game...it DOES show and I DO appreciate their work. While I will try the single player game another time or tow, and may just give up entirely on that part of the game and NEVER try it again (as I said, I HATE PUZZLE GAMES), I also feel, that for me, the multiplayer aspect is WORTH THE PRICE OF ADMISSION ALONE. I am not a Star Wars fanatic who buys and praises everything Start Wars. In fact, I own Phantom Menace and Pod Racer and proceeded to FLAME Lucas Arts for ever even releasing such garbage and have since stopped buying ANY Star Wars games, like that Naboo fighter game...skipped it, Galctic Battle Grounds skipped it....I think Lucas Arts LOST A LOT of credibility in the PC games market with garbage like that released, but I do belive that this release by Raven will most likely win back the respect of the gaming community, and next years launch of the mmorpg Star Wars Galaxies will probably be the crowning touch to put Star Wars games back at the top where they once were.

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While i'm not far into the game (as i've tried the amazing mp game nar shaddar with force jump = the best ever!) there are alot of logical puzzles. I dont mind them and its better than search for the yellow key imo, if you sit down and think the solution normally comes to you (stare and yer surroundings also).


I do agree tho it wouldnt hurt the game to tone down the puzzle aspect, it wouldnt in my view hurt to leave it either.


HF cu online!

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This game reminds me a lot of Star Trek Voyager: Elite Forces. I guess it should since they were both done by Raven. The puzzles are a little over the top at times, but like the dude above said it does come to you if you take your time and think about what you need to do.


My biggest problem is that I have very little sense of direction. I get lost very easily in the game because each room looks so similar to the last one.


I agree that multiplayer is excellent in this game. Kudos to Raven for that. Now if only a Lord Helmet (from "Space Balls") skin was available...

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I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT SPACEBALLS! I am sure that over time we'll see everything available from the MOD community from Dark Helmet to Spiderman and everything in between. :) I had so much fun last night with Multiplayer (just against BOTs even), that my father is SO so so sold, he has already checked four stores near his office in NH and all of them told him they are behind the stores here in MA, so he'll have to wait till tomorrow or next week! :) Heck, I'm a nice guy...I'll be out this weekend so I told him to come on over to my place and he can play my copy till I get home...then I kick him out! :)

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Maybe it's just me, and the way I think fits to this game.


Some ways may not be obvious on the first glance in Jediknight 2, but that's about it.

Puzzles, hardly any, this game is so linear.


I think people just don't want to think about how to progress in such a game. When the way is not clearly laid out they give up, call for a walkthrough or cheats.


I myself only encountered 3 situations in the whole game that took me some time to clear. I just needed to sit back, think about it a little and pay attention to the surroundings to solve them.


Take your time and everything will be well.

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