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SP Lightsaber more refined? *SPOILERS*


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When I played the Singleplayer and first encountered a Reborn I was completely blown away by how good the sabersystem was. Then I tried it in MP and sadly I was a bit disappointed.


In SP the sabers bounce off eachother whenever they hit eachother in a swing or otherwise which doesn't seem to happen in MP, most of the time they just go through eachother. Saberlocks seems to happen more often in SP too and when they do they look smoother than in MP. At first I figured it might be because the enemies in SP fights in a different way than people do in MP, so I tried dueling with a friend and we tried and tried to get the feel that was in SP but to no avail. One more thing, in MP I have never ever seen anyone drop his lightsaber when throwing it and having to press the attack button to pull it back in hand, in SP this happens very often which makes it a bit more risky to throw the saber.


Am I just imagining things? Perhaps Chang or someone else at Raven could explain this.


Now don't take me the wrong way, dueling in MP is alot of fun too if you know what you're doing, but if the sabers behaved like they do in SP I would be in a state of bliss.


If no patch will be released then perhaps someone could release a mod to make MP duels like the ones in SP?


And thanks Raven for a wonderful game, the fight against Tavion sent me through the roof :)

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Welcome to the boards. You get a limited edition Alfyboy t-shirt and keychain ;)


I know exactly what you mean. The sabre duals are far more 'real' and intense. You lock up far more and it is just toooo much fun. Some other guy started a thread trying to find out if there was a way you could spawn a reborn with the SP ai into a map. No response yet as far as I know.


EDIT: That fight against Tavion was just simply AMAZING! It lasted for ages with me and it was so tense. I kept saber throwing and the saber would drop... id run after it and see her throw her saber inches from my back! It was crazy. We fought all over the platform, on the roof of the ship, in that lil hole... everywhere. It was JUST like out of the films...

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Yes the fight against Tavion was nothing short of awesome, I just loaded it up again just to be completely sure and now I am, the sabers never go through eachother like they do in MP, so you don't just have to stand still and block in SP, you can also block incoming swings by swinging yourself.


Oh and thanks for the welcome :)

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I would deffinetly have to agree. I wish someone could make a map with full of reborns. Damn I hada blast when Luke and I were mowing through the reborns in the hanger.


I was totally blown away by the First reborn I encountered in the huge air chamber. He came flying at me with his glowing red lightsaber spinning like a helicopter above his head. At first I struggeled because I was suprised how good he was, but I managed to defeat him. Then I just kept quick-loading everytime I defeated him I would get betterand better. I had so much fun I must have done it 50 times before finally moving on. I always enjoyed a defeat where he would fall off the platform in a screaming death.


When I got to the final battle, I think I messed up or something because I killed him in less than 5 seconds. At this point I thought I had become the some sorta super Jedi so I tried again and I got my ass kicked. :atat::eek:

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I also noticed this, I fired up a MP game before i got a LightSaber in single player and i was like "oh great the saber fighting sucks" then i finally got the saber in SP and was like "WOW thats a be difference and more fun too" The only reason i can guess is because Quake 3 SP and MP use different coding and have their own exe's so probaly the team that did SP Saber coding didnt do the MP Saber coding.

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If that is the case there should be an option for it so the ones who can afford the extra lag could use it. Hopefully there will be a mod that does this.


I wish Chang could read this and clarify exactly why the MP lightsaber system is more simplistic.

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I dont think its the saber system itself more the AI. The bots you use in MP are more evasive than the AI of the characters in SP. They are more willing to attack and do fancy stuff... like turning off the lightsaber and spinning it their hand (god damn I nealry wet myself when the reborn did that).


All I want it to be able to use the single player AI as bots for the MP stuff. I'd rather fight that than those MP bots. If anyone has any idea how to do that then shoot.

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I'm 100% behind this. I usually only do multiplayer stuff on my LAN with my roomies, so screw the lag and give us the meatier lightsaber fights! Keeping the bandwidth low for the folks playing over the net is great, there's too much bandwidth wasting out there as it is from all the pr0n overloading the routers. But on my own network I've got nothing better to do with those hundred megabits than have the best gaming experience possible.

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I don't want to speak for Toshiya, but the thing is this: we developed MP and SP at the same time, so while I was doing the SP saber stuff, Toshiya was doing the MP saber stuff and trying to keep it as in-synch with the SP stuff as possible. However, because of the nature of network games, some things had to be done a little differently to both save net traffic and make it consistent and reliable.


This isn't to say that MP sabers won't be tweaked if there's a patch. We're definitely listening to what the community has to say about MP in all areas and compiling a list of things we may want to try (no promises)...

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i'm glad to hear others making these points. i totally agree. the saber battles in single player were great. i just played some online duel mode, and man...the duels are well....basically lame. a bunch of twirly stuff and running around, but no flat out fast back-and-forths exchanges of blocks and parries like single-player. and chang, i'm glad you guys are willing to listen to the community post-release, but don't taunt us with tales of maps where we can saber fight ai guys, send one our way! hehehe. that sounds too cool.



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Damn you Chang! Are you hinting that there may be an 'easter egg' style map or two in the game? I heard there was one where you could fight Tavion in the test pit thingy....


Any danger of a lil hint as to how many of these there are? or how the hell we find out how to get them?


btw,I just finsihed the game and the last few levels were some of the most fun I have ever played in a game.




Seeing the Jedi trainees fighting the Reborn was just flippin great!!!!!


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in MP they do clash whenever they touch

just need your defense turned up :p

a friend and i have been playing with them alot just for fun (and because the game is about the saber not a rocket launcher as most MP players seem to think...)

i walked up to him while he still had his saber out and was typing

the blades just suddenly started to clash repeatedly on end.

we just stood there and laughed :p

but yeah, they do perform differantly no doubt.

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Yes, this definetly needs to be kept up top. The single player combat is way, WAY better. It would be smoov like butta if Raven could at least gives us a "high-bandwidth sabers" option so we could get the SP type stuff in MP, at our option.


And to those who think the two are really the same - play again, they are totally different. Nothing to do with how people play in MP.

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Originally posted by acgreen

I remember reading in an interview once that someone from Raven made a ladder level where they would just get harder and harder... Please, release that map if you can!




I second! It's so much fun taking one the reborn! And then when you suddenly see two reborn pop up in front of you, you wet your pants and then you have some more fun taking them both on.


I'd like to see that ladder map. Not to mention play it.



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Here is a lil update. The tavion test pit map is in. I know... because I was playing it most of last night!


in the console type 'map pit' without the quotes. Simple! I also tried loads of commands to get that ladder map to no avail. Just a lil hint Chang?

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*cries* I'm not up to sp saber battles against other jedis yet ... can't wait though now I'm really excited :D


I almost want to go straight to the pits, but I'd rather earn it through the sp missions .......


Choices are :


1. Comp assignment

2. Saber the night away

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