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Cheats for force powers?


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Just got the game yesterday, and I like it alot. I was wondering if any cheat codes exist to give you all the force powers and their full strength? I have found the ones that give you all weapons, ammo, health, etc. I haven't gotten to the point in the game yet where you get the lightsaber/force powers. Once I have gotten past this point will the "give all" cheat give all force powers as well as weapons, or is there another code specifically for the force powers? Thanks.

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setsaberoffense 3

setsaberdefense 3

setsaberthrow 3

setforceheal 3

setforcepush 3

setforcepull 3

setforcespeed 3

setforcegrip 3

setforcemindtrick 3

setforcelightning 3


or replace the "3" with whatever force level you want between 1 and 3 ;)





ChangKhan edit:

(sorry for editing your ppst, but the msgboard won't let me post my own messages anymore, always hangs)


actually, it's setmindtrick, not setforcemindtricks


And you forgot setforcelightning


setforceall sets all of them to a certain level.


1 - 3 is the valid range (well... hehe... )




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hehe thanks for pointing out the mistakes, i changed em =)

didnt know about all, thx info~

I had pulled them out of the hex code and didnt think to try it.

And you can set them above 3?? interesting....wonder what lvl 50grip would do... ^_^


Almost didnt even notice someone edited my post...noticed it was longer, checked and thought i had accidently pasted something new in there hehe.



And, do you know what the give command syntax is, its like,

give item amount

correct? What prefix do jk2 items use? i thought it was WP_Bryar_Pistol, for the bryar pistol, but it gives me an invalid error code when I do it. I realise you can do give all, but im trying to find the double bladed saber ;)

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